You Can't Change Me

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Summary: Harry and Louis are fighting and Harry says something that makes Louis insecure; Louis hides how much it hurt him.

Request from ilovecats1t


A person's wedding day is supposed to be one the happiest days of their life. A lifelong commitment is made among the eyes of loved ones, with the married couple dressed to the nines and adorned with sparkling smiles.

The wedding reception is even better, because the newlyweds and their loved ones get to celebrate love and life and all the happiness in the world.

Harry has always loved weddings because he has always loved love. Weddings are the perfect embodiment of love. Harry also loves weddings because he has the perfect wedding date--almost. To him, his wedding date would be perfect if he didn't get drunk and lose all the stiffness in his wrists or his masculinity.

Unfortunately, some things Louis does bother Harry. He watches from across the room as Louis sips on a glass of wine and talks to his friends, cracking jokes and over-expressing with the hand that isn't holding the glass. He finds himself making a sour face at the way Louis' bent wrist rests as he listens to his friend speak, and how feminine he is acting in general.

Though Harry blames himself for resenting Louis in weak moments, his blame is not without cause. When you are in a relationship for years, the rose glasses that once made your partner look perfect have long since withered away. The honeymoon phase has come and gone, though there are still occasions when Harry can taste the sweetness of it.

During the honeymoon phase, your partner is perfect in your eyes; they have no flaw and they can do no wrong. However, when that phase ends, you start to see your partner through a normal lens, one that isn't being filtered by flowers or Cupid's love arrows. It is imperative to remember why you fell in love with your partner and work to keep the romance alive, which Harry and Louis have successfully been able to do, despite a few normal bumps in the road. For the better half of their relationship, Harry has not doubted that Louis is the one he is meant to be with, the one he wants to spent the rest of his life with. Naturally, spending most of your time with your partner and planning on doing so for the rest of your life can cause a bit of tension here and there.

"Harry! Come here!" Louis waves Harry over with an excited smile. Harry finishes his drink, leaving his empty glass at the bar before going to his boyfriend.

"Hi honey," Harry says in a relaxed tone, trying to focus on Louis' outer beauty to forget about the unfair resentment he feels.

"Josh was just telling me about the show the other day. He was drumming so hard that his drumstick broke in half and flung across the stage! Isn't that crazy?" Louis covers his mouth as he giggles, turning to Harry to see his reaction. Harry simply purses his lips and reacts by raising his eyebrows and nodding.

"Wow, that's crazy. Speaking of, we shouldn't be out too late, we've got rehearsal tomorrow." He tries his best to make his voice sound lively, but it just comes out flat.

"What time is it?" Louis wonders. Josh pulls his phone out first, then holds it up in front of Louis' face. "2:01. Fuck," he sighs.

"It's past our bedtime. We should go," he says to Harry.

"No shit. And we don't have a bedtime, silly." Harry's demeanor towards Louis softens, as he once again remembers why Louis is the love of his life. "See you tomorrow, Josh." Louis throws his arms around his friend, rubbing his back and giving one final squeeze before pulling away. "The wife wants me home," he jokes.

"Funny," Harry hums. He guides Louis to him, then keeps him close as they walk to their car. This becomes an increasingly difficult task when Louis stumbles every few steps and keeps trying to cuddle Harry. "Louis, stop. Let's get to the car." Harry pauses when he hears how cold his voice sounds. He truly doesn't want to show Louis any negativity tonight, because Louis is drunk and he doesn't want to make it a whole thing that he'll have to apologize for in the morning.

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