The Secret

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Summary: Kitten (hybrid) Harry, human Louis. Louis finds out what Harry truly is, and he reacts the wrong way.

Request from i_love_my_larents :)

I don't think I've ever written something where they're not 100% human. This'll be fun!

Also I know like nothing about this so if the stuff in the beginning isn't accurate, oh well, because that's my take on it haha


Harry hates having to hide it, but he's damn good at it.

He knew his family carried the rare kitten hybrid gene but he never expected to become one. Harry never cared to track the gene, but he just knew that it was a recessive trait and not everybody in his family had it, only a few cousins and probably adults who hid it.

The kitten hybrid gene is undetectable until puberty. Harry learned that when he woke up on his sixteenth birthday with a brown furry tail and cat ears. After a maelstrom of crying, confusion, and worry, his parents told him everything they knew about it. They also confessed that they were surprised Harry was a hybrid, since his sister Gemma wasn't.

Being a hybrid isn't all bad, though. Despite having to wear a hat (he chooses beanies) and tuck his tail into his pants in public (much like a drag queen would tuck his or her dick), there are some traits that Harry enjoys, like being much less clumsy. However, he is also more trusting of people, and he can be too clingy with people he trusts. Oh, and he purrs when he is extremely happy and comfortable.


"Harry! Louis' here!" Anne calls from the bottom of the stairs.

"I'll be down in a second!" He answers, then quickly shuts his door. He pulls his heather grey beanie over his brown ears and brown, curly hair; yes, he has two pairs of ears. He personally thinks it's a little weird, but he's gotten used to them over the two years he has had them. His tail is only a foot long, so it isn't that difficult to hide, it just gets uncomfortable after a while. He quickly tucks his tail into his boxers, then adjusts his sweatpants before opening his door. "Louis." Harry jumps when Louis appears right in front of him.

"Hey Curly. Your mum let me up," he says with a small smile, then plops down onto Harry's bed.

Louis and Harry have been neighbors and best friends since they were five. Neither of them can pinpoint it, but somewhere around the age of sixteen, they slowly began acting like a couple. Once they both turned seventeen, they decided to make it official and pick whatever date they wanted for their anniversary. Harry has somehow been able to hide his ears, tail, and purr from Louis for two years, but it's been getting harder and harder to do so. Harry always has to decline swimming in the summer, and missionary sex where Harry is laying on his tail has never been fun.

"How nice of her," Harry hums, pushing the thoughts away of what Louis would have seen if Harry hadn't shut his door. "What's up? Why'd you show up unannounced?" He wonders, sitting cross-legged next to Louis.

"Well, we have three weeks off for Christmas break. My mum took my sisters on a little girl's trip to London, and Mark is at a work conference a few hours away, so I was home alone," he explains.

"So you were home alone, and you decided to come over here instead of invite me over there?" Harry questions.

"I like your bed," Louis shrugs, then lies on his side. The queen-sized bed with navy sheets and a matching comforter fits in the corner of Harry's tidy room. 

"We could've had the whole house to ourselves," Harry whines, pretending to be upset. Louis laughs and pulls Harry to lay on his side, then spoons him.

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