First Time

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Summary: Louis and Harry make love for the first time.

Request from firsttimetitanic

✨😊💦🤍🫂~"make love"~🫂🤍💦😊✨

Also YALL HAHAA (the picture) ^^^ bet he bought 10 pack on Amazon 🤭

Photo (in story) from


Birds sing and sunshine peeks through the tall trees, illuminating patches of the woodland floor. The logistics of this camping trip aren't very clear to Harry. All he knows is that they are at a park in California where people often come to camp, and that a few of their bodyguards have set up their tents nearby; out of sight, but nearby nevertheless.

"Has anyone gone camping before?" Harry asks his four band mates. They are exploring the area, trying to find a clear spot far enough away from their bodyguards that they can have fun, but not far enough away that they could get killed and the bodyguards would not hear their screams.

"Nope," Niall answers.

"No," Louis says.

"No," Zayn hums.

"I have a few times. I was a Boy Scout when I was a kid," Liam says.

"Of course you were," Louis sassily mutters. Harry smiles to himself as he listens to Liam and Louis bicker.

Liam and Louis eventually, as a "team," find a nice spot to set up their tents. It is a small pocket of open space in the woods, with logs to sit on and flat ground, which will hopefully make the tent situation easier. Most importantly, one of the campsite's public restrooms is only a two minute walk away.

The five boys spend the next half hour trying to set up their tents, failing, and getting frustrated at their resident Boy Scout.

"How about we set up one at a time?" Niall suggests.

"Great idea," Harry says, happy that someone has finally come up with a conducive idea. Four of them start on one tent while Louis sits on a log and loudly reads the step-by-step direction pamphlet to them.

"You're not helping," Liam groans. "Harry, you have to put the pole through all the hoops," he says, clearly irritated by his band mates' inability to follow basic instructions. Louis abandons reading the directions and sneaks up behind Liam, then runs his hands around his friend's head, messing up his hair. His other band mates laugh as their tyrant is made a fool. When Louis looks to see Harry's reaction, he is met with a wide smile, happy eyes, and the most precious laugh to ever reach his ears.

"This is supposed to be fun, Payno. Relax," Louis says as he walks away. Liam sighs as he attempts to fix his unruly hair.

"I think you're doing a great job, Haz," Louis smiles, kissing his boyfriend on the cheek. A light blush rises on Harry's cheeks, which only makes Louis smile wider.

After another half hour, all five tents are set up, and each of them are personalizing their chosen tents and setting up their blankets and pillows for nighttime.


"It's crazy how loud the world seems when we're doing shows, but now it's so quiet," Niall observes, looking at the fire pit set up in the middle of their circle of camping chairs. The boys rented the small fire pit from the park's service desk. They all went on the ten minute walk to the desk while the sun was setting. Louis began walking first and Harry joined, claiming he wanted to spend time with his favorite person. Liam, Niall, and Zayn each joined within seconds of each other with the excuse that the fire pit may be heavy and require multiple people to carry it; they definitely did not tag along because they were frightened to be separated for a short while.

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