Wisdom Teeth

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Summary: Harry gets his wisdom teeth removed. Louis takes care of him after the surgery.


Going home to England during tour is usually something Harry enjoys. However, this time is different.

A routine dentist visit the last time they were in London lead to a wisdom teeth removal surgery the next time One Direction was in England, which is today.

Harry and Louis are staying at Harry's apartment in London, while the other boys stay at Liam's apartment. Louis decided, in his 21-year-old wisdom, that it is best for him and Harry to be relatively undisturbed while Harry recovers after surgery. Liam, Niall, and Zayn understood, but made Louis promise to send videos of Harry doing silly things while being loopy from the anaesthesia.

Louis puts the car into park and takes the keys out, pulling Harry from his anxious trance.

"It's time to go in," Louis says.

"I don't wanna do it," Harry whines. His hands are shaking and his teeth are chattering, because the last thing he wants is to have four teeth pulled.

"If you don't do it, they're gonna start hurting," Louis says, providing his boyfriend no comfort. "Come on, we're gonna be late." After Harry refused to leave his apartment, it took Louis threatening to call Anne to get Harry into the car. Ironically, now that he's in the car, he doesn't want to leave.

Louis opens the passenger side door and gives him a reassuring look, which gets Harry to unbuckle his seat belt and step out of the car.

"It'll be over before you know it, love," Louis promises.

The waiting room is quiet and uncrowded. It smells clean, and its neutral colored walls and grey chairs are underwhelming to the eyes. Harry signs in before sitting next to Louis in chairs that face the rather large fish tank. He taps his feet on the ground and tries to take deep breaths.

After noticing how persistently restless Harry is, Louis puts his hand on the back of Harry's neck. He gently runs his fingertips along the warm skin, occasionally scratching where Harry's grown-out hair begins at the base of his scalp; this slowly calms Harry down.

"Harry?" A woman at the front calls. Harry and Louis lock eyes, and Louis smiles.

"I'll go with you," he softly says. They go up to the front desk, where a woman in lavender scrubs is standing beside it and waiting for them.

"Hi," the woman smiles, "My name is Willow, and I'll be getting you ready for your surgery today. Are you ready to go back?" She and Louis look at Harry, who slowly nods. "Perfect. And will you be driving Harry home today?" She turns to Louis and asks.

"Yes," he nods. "How long will the surgery take?"

"The entire procedure will take about an hour. We'll call you back when Harry's awake, and you can leave once he feels good enough to go," she explains. Her chipper demeanor expels some of Harry's nerves, since she sounds like she has done this many times before.

"Bye." Harry catches Louis by surprise when he hugs him tightly. He pulls away shortly after, but Louis knows he would've held on longer if he could.

"I'll be right here the whole time, alright? I'll see you when you wake up," Louis calmly says. He watches as Harry and the woman walk down the hall and enter a room on the left.

Louis goes back to his seat and pulls out his phone to kill time. He feels a little nervous for Harry, but not half as nervous as he's sure Harry feels. As he passes time by scrolling through his phone, watching the fish in the fish tank, and texting Anne updates, he grows more and more excited to see Harry again and take care of him.

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