Pretend Like You Care

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Summary: It is Harry's two year anniversary of being clean from self harm, but Louis doesn't seem to care.

Content Warning
Talk about self harm


Harry POV
The soft melody of my alarm clock doesn't annoy me today. I open my eyes and see the early morning sun peeking through the perimeter of my window shade, filling my room with grey light and shadows. I pull my cozy comforter up to my ears and smile as I revel in my last few moments of comfort before I face the cold weather and the day of school ahead.

The carpet feels plushy under my sock-clad feet, and I make it down the dim hallway with my eyes half shut. Unfortunately, I have to turn on the bathroom light, so I squint my eyes and slowly open them so they adjust to the brightness. As I brush my teeth, I balance my phone in my hand and type out a text to Louis:

Harry: Morning Boo xxxxx

Harry: See you at school!

I decide not to mention what day it is, because Louis is probably going to remind me as soon as we see each other in first period.


I tap my pen on my desk--which is in the back row of the classroom--as my eyes flash between the clock on the wall and the classroom door; only one more minute until class begins. Louis comes strolling in with his backpack hanging off his right shoulder as if he has ten minutes to spare. I uncross my legs and sit up in my seat, slightly leaning forward so Louis can reach me a millisecond sooner.

"Hi," I smile.

"Hey Curly." Louis ruffles my hair right as the bell rings, then takes a seat at his desk and faces me. "Any weekend plans?" Louis quietly asks as the teacher begins talking.

"Um, not really." A wide smile spreads across my face out of pride for myself.

"Maybe we could do something tonight, then," Louis casually suggests.

"Mister Tomlinson," our teacher says in a warning tone.

"Sorry," Louis says, then looks at me once more before sweeping his legs under his desk and facing the front of the class. Louis made no mention of today, but I just shrug it off; maybe he'll bring it up when we aren't in the middle of a class.


Apparently, I was wrong. In the time that Louis and I see each other during the day, which is quite a lot, he makes no mention of my anniversary. It is beginning to bother me, because it's a really important day to me and the least he could do is acknowledge it, since he has plenty of times before.

"Hey, what's up?" Zayn suddenly appears next to my locker and says. I jump at first, then look at him with my heart beating heavily.

"Do you know what day it is?" I ask. Zayn's eyes mindlessly wander around the hallway as he thinks, then they get really big and his eyebrows shoot up.

"2 years! Congratulations." Zayn quickly pulls me in for a tight hug, and I immediately hug back; at least my best friend remembers. "I'm so proud of you, Hazza."

"Thank you," I say with a soft smile.

"Are you gonna celebrate it tonight?" He wonders. My locker makes a small clang as I shut it, and we start walking to lunch.

"Yeah, just..." I sigh. "Do you wanna do something this weekend?"

"Sure. What about Louis though? I remember the three of us celebrating together last year." We sit at our usual table against the wall, and we plop our lunch bags onto the long table.

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