I'm Your King

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Summary: (BDSM) Louis is assigned to be Harry's Sub but refuses to submit.

*This is a world where BDSM is the norm*

She's a long one, get comfy


Bounding off stage at the end of a show after parting with a crowd screaming at your mere presence is the most alive one can feel. One Direction has grown accustomed to the adrenaline pumping through their entire bodies and never wanting the high to end, which is why they spend most nights clubbing with anyone who cares to come along.

"Are you guys changing before we get there?" Louis asks, peeling his damp shirt off and leaving it on an empty bunk.

"I have to change, after our water fight," Liam says. He grabs a clean, dry outfit and goes to the bathroom of the tour bus. Louis rifles through his suitcase for a dark shirt to wear to the club, but quickly gives up the search and sits on the couch instead.

"Hey," Harry purses his lips when Louis, unabashedly shirtless, sits near him.

"Hey," Louis replies. "Are you going out with us?" He asks after a moment of painful silence.

"Not tonight. I'm just gonna hang out at the hotel," Harry says.

"Alright." Louis stays on the couch for a little while longer before deeming it polite to leave. He then puts on the first shirt he sees in his suitcase.

When the tour bus arrives back at the hotel, everyone files off, dispersing with different security guards to either go to the hotel or a separate car that is heading for a club.

"Is this everyone?" Niall asks. Liam, Louis, and Niall are piled in with a few of their friends, a couple of people they met in the city, and three security guards.

"Looks like it," Liam nods.

Everyone in the car feeds off of the boys' exuberance. By the time the car pulls into the club parking lot, everyone is itching for deafeningly loud music and alcohol.

The group takes multiple rounds of shots before navigating through the dark room, lit almost exclusively with strobe lights, to the dance floor. Louis lets his body take him wherever it pleases, which results in him pushing his body up against a man of roughly the same build. Their hips sway to the electric beat of the song, and Louis smiles as he feels the same rush of being on stage creep back into his being.


One by one, the city natives go home for the night, cutting in half the group that came with the boys.

"How pissed would you be if you got your papers right now?" Niall chuckles as he turns to Louis.

When an individual turns 18, they have to go through a comprehensive process with the Alliance. One of the roles the Alliance has is to collect data and assign people the role of either Dominant or Submissive, which is largely based on the individual's psychology and temperament.

Most people are assigned from the ages of 18 to 21, but there are more complicated cases. In those cases, some may not be assigned until 25. Louis is 23, which means he gets paralyzed with a bout of crippling anxiety every time he remembers that he hasn't gotten his assignment papers yet.

"Don't remind me," Louis grumbles. "I better not get them tonight. I'm a free bitch!" He exclaims, earning a few cheers around him.

The longer the three boys stand around the outskirts of the dance floor and talk, the more tired they become. At 2:00 a.m., they decide to go back to the hotel.

The rush of cool air forms goosebumps on Louis' arms as he leaves the building behind one of the security guards. Part of him feels dirty for dancing against a mass of sweaty bodies and grinding on a few, but he reminds himself that this is what being free from a Dominant/Submissive relationship feels like.

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