Grammy Award Winner

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Summary: Harry coming home to Louis after the Grammys.

Request from larry_stylinsunny

Grammy kept auto correcting to Granny 😭✋🏼


"And the Grammy goes to...Watermelon Sugar, Harry Styles!" Harry's heart stops when he hear his name, then hears Watermelon Sugar playing over the speakers; he takes his mask off and immediately turn to hug Jeff.

"Congratulations H!" He cheers.

"Thank you!" Harry kisses Jeff's cheek before pulling away, then heads up to the stage. He picks up the Grammy, his Grammy, and smiles, then sets it back on the stand and begins organizing his thoughts.

His speech turns out pretty good. He didn't have one planned, but he had a rough idea of what he wanted to say. He thanked the people who helped him, thanked the fans, and said other stuff that he doesn't remember anymore because he is so hyped up on adrenaline.


The rest of the night is a blur. When Harry changes into his third and final outfit of the night, he wants to text Louis, but Harris has his phone and he can't find him. So, he plans to leave the award show the minute it's over in order to see his boy as soon as possible.

After hearing more performances, acceptance speeches, mingling, and taking pictures with his Grammy, Harry is finally able to leave.

"Bye H! Congratulations!" His team calls. He receives hugs from his band, Jeff, Harris, and even Lizzo, who he hasn't seen in a while.

"Thank you, thank you." He blows them kisses as he walks backwards for a few steps, then turns around and heads to his car.

H: On my way home

He texts Louis before connecting his phone to his car. He blasts his favorite music and sings at the top of his lungs, riding his adrenaline rush all the way home.


When he pulls into the garage, it is just after midnight. The house lights are on, so Harry knows Louis is awake. He decides to play a trick on his husband, so he sneaks up to the front door, puts his Grammy on the doormat, then rings the doorbell and dashes around the corner. When Harry hears the door open, he claps his hand over his mouth to keep himself from laughing.

"Hazza?" Louis calls, then gasps; Harry assumes Louis has just seen the Grammy. "I'm taking your Grammy..." he sings.

"No!" Harry giggles, then comes out from around the corner.

"Oh my goodness, look at you!" Louis exclaims, then runs to Harry and tightly hugs him. Harry stumbles back a bit before regaining his balance, then hugs Louis back.

"Did you watch it?" Harry wonders.

"Of course I did! Your performance was fucking perfect, and I actually cried when you won a Grammy. Look." Louis pulls away and points to his eyes; the porch light creates a bubble of light around them, and Harry sees that Louis' eyes are faintly pink from previously crying.

"Oh, baby..." Harry coos. "Let's go inside." Harry picks up his Grammy from the doormat and he follows Louis inside. He takes his shoes off at the door, leaving him in plaid dress pants, a muted orange blazer, and a white tank top. They both sit at the kitchen table and admire the shiny, golden award, and Louis' proud smile is just as big as Harry's.

"I can't believe you did it. I'm so incredibly proud of you," Louis gushes. "Did you talk to your mum?"

"She texted me, but she's sleeping now, so I'll call her in the morning," Harry yawns.

"How can you be tired? This is like, the most exciting night of your life." Louis nudges Harry's shoulder, who smiles before yawning again.

"I just crashed. I had a lot of energy on the way home, don't worry."

"So who'd you talk to? Who'd you see?" Louis wonders, turning to face Harry and resting a hand on his knee.

"Well I saw my band and Jeff, obviously, then I talked to Billie, Lizzo, and Taylor. Ooh, and I saw Beyoncé backstage," he lists the most notable people he saw at the event.

"Taylor, huh?" Louis raises his eyebrows. "Interesting."

"She has a boyfriend, and I'm married to you. Calm down." Harry pats Louis' cheek, then rests his hand on the side of his face. Louis slides forward in his seat, then leans in and kisses Harry.

"I just kissed Grammy award winner Harry Styles," Louis whispers against Harry's lips, then kisses him again. Harry smiles into the kiss, then gently bites Louis' lip before pulling away to laugh.

"Oh shut up," he hides his face when he feels his cheeks turn pink, but Louis pulls his hands away.

"You do realize that a Grammy is the most prestigious award a musician can get? And you have one. Where's it gonna go in the house?"

"I haven't thought about it yet. How about we go upstairs, and I'll put it on the dresser for now," Harry decides. He grabs Louis' hand as he stands up, and Louis carries the Grammy upstairs. He sets it on the dresser across from their bed, then plops down on the bed to admire it. "I have to take my makeup off, then I'll be in bed," Harry says, ruffling Louis' grown out hair on his way to the bathroom.

"What do you have on?" Louis wonders.

"Mascara!" Harry calls, now rubbing his eye with a makeup wipe. Louis joins him in the bathroom, and the boys brush their teeth before stripping down to their briefs and sliding into bed.

"Did you enjoy your first outing since March 2020?" Louis asks, laying on his side and facing Harry.

"I did," Harry starts, lying on his side as well, "I just wish I could have shared it with you," he shrugs, intertwining their legs and moving closer to Louis.

"In a way, you did share it with me. I watched it on TV, and now you're home with me and I get to fall asleep next to Grammy award winner Harry Styles," he cheekily replies.

"Stop with that," Harry giggles, running his fingers through his hair before shuffling even closer to his husband. "I love you."

"I love you too, and I'm so, so, so proud of you." Louis' bright smile reaches ear to ear once again, and he kisses Harry before wrapping his arms around him. "I know I already said this, but you looked stunning tonight. You looked so hot in your leather suit, and I loved every second of your performance," he rambles. "You're only going up from here, baby," he says, quieter this time, as if it is a secret for just the two of them.

"I'm so lucky to have you," Harry smiles, resting his head on Louis' chest. Even though he is an ultra famous, sought after, Grammy award winner, he considers himself lucky to get to come home to his husband, who in his humble opinion is equally famous, equally sought after, and just as deserving of a Grammy, if not more.


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