Secret Moments In A Crowded Room

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Summary: Louis and Harry are dating and the boys don't know.

"Our secret moments in a crowded room / they've got no idea about me and you"
Dress - Taylor Swift


Sneaking around is exhilarating. Having a secret world that just the two of you share is nothing short of magical.

Tip-toeing to tour bus bunks or hotel rooms without anyone seeing or hearing adds to the euphoria of a new relationship. Trying on pet names and stealing each other's wardrobe is playing with fire. But Harry and Louis really, really like it.

"Wanna go ice skating tonight?" Louis asks Harry as he makes two cups of Yorkshire tea in the tour bus kitchenette.

"Alone?" Harry wonders.

"Yeah," Louis smiles. He brings the two steaming teacups to the couch, then sits close to Harry as they enjoy their time alone.

"Yorkshire tea again?" Harry observes. Before Louis and Harry started dating, Louis would make Harry his favorite tea, which was peppermint. But for the past three months, Louis has only made Harry Yorkshire tea, with only a few exceptions.

"I've gotta get my boy on the good stuff." Both boys talk quietly despite being the only ones on the tour bus. It feels as if flirting any louder than a soft tone would expose their relationship.

Harry fondly scrunches his nose at Louis' affectionate possession. He slowly leans in to give Louis a kiss, but the door swings open and makes them pull away from each other.

"There you are. We were looking for you," Liam says.

"Why didn't you call us?" Louis wonders.

"We tried. Your phones are off," Niall chimes in; Louis and Harry exchange guilty glances at this.

"Oops." Louis makes a funny face, causing Harry to giggle.

Liam, Niall, and Zayn pile onto the couch, and eventually Niall is pushed onto the floor so everyone can have more room. They boot up a video game on the television while the tour bus starts for a new destination. Louis stretches his arm across the back of the couch, and Harry almost immediately swoops in and nuzzles close to him, with his back on Louis' side and his head on the front of his shoulder.

"Where are we going ice skating?" Harry tilts his head toward Louis as he whispers.

"We can Google ice rinks close to us when we get to the hotel," Louis whispers back, resisting the urge to kiss Harry's forehead.

"Is it a date?" A small smile plays at Harry's lips.

"Yeah." The simple response makes Harry feel warm and fuzzy inside, which seems to be a familiar feeling these days.

"Okay." Harry is almost unable to control his sparkling smile as he sips on his tea and feels Louis drape his arm around his shoulders.


After sneaking off with a security guard and driving ten minutes away to the ice rink, Louis and Harry smile when they see that the location isn't as crowded as they expected. Harry ties up his skates--and helps Louis tie his--and the couple goes on the ice with wary steps. Harry feels bad that the security guard has to ice skate too, but Louis reminds him that he's just doing his job.

"Ah! Come back here!" Harry almost falls over, so he reaches for Louis' hand.

"You're not gonna drag me down with you," Louis warns.

"Neither are you," Harry protests.

The boys slowly skate hand in hand, finally beginning to acclimate to gliding instead of walking after nearly 30 minutes. Louis occasionally glances at Harry, who has a huge smile plastered on his face and is beaming with pride of having yet to fall. When Harry looks at Louis, all he sees is a boy who stole his heart with humor and an incredible amount of care.

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