Too Much/Not Enough

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Summary: Louis is an empath who feels too much, yet not enough.

You guys I know it's been SO LONG 😩 enjoy besties ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Louis has always thought of himself as a thoughtful person. He is good at discerning how people are feeling, and he can help them without having to be told how.

He knows when his little sisters are mad at each other by observing the way they keep their distance on the couch, or how the family dog is hungry by the way he walks in circles around the kitchen and looks up at the countertops expectantly. He even knows when his boyfriend looks at him like he wishes he could read his mind, but that's Louis' own fault.

The price of feeling everyone else's emotions so profoundly is that Louis can hardly handle his own. His own feelings are the last drop of water that makes his cup overflow, so he decides to simply not feel. As empathetic as Louis is with other people, he is terrible at being empathetic with himself.

That is why he is staring out the large tour bus window with his big headphones on, listening to relaxing music that block out the hum of conversation. The music also keeps him from thinking, as he has found that too much thinking is almost as harmful as feeling his own emotions.

A sudden tap on Louis' shoulder pulls him outside of his solitary world, and his mind returns to the bus. He takes his headphones off and ruffles his hair to fix it, then looks to his left.

"Hi," Harry says, his lips turning upwards ever so slightly like they always do when he looks at Louis.


The intonation of his voice, or the way he says words that make them sound comforting and warm, or even his smile when he listens to Louis speak. That smile never gets very big, but even the most pathetic attempt at a joke from Louis can turn Harry's perfectly pink lips into a half smile, half smirk. Everything about Harry makes Louis want him, and he can't believe he has him.

"Hi," Louis replies, his voice coming out slightly scratchy from not talking for a few hours.

"Wanna cuddle?" Harry asks. Louis feels warmer from the question alone. To be cuddled by Harry is to be held in the most gentle way. Louis loves the way Harry unintentionally slows his movements so as not to disturb him when he is in his arms.

Louis simply nods. He closes YouTube and inches towards Harry, setting his phone and headphones where he was previously sitting. He sits so close to Harry that their hips are touching, and he turns into Harry's side and rests his head on his chest, which is covered by a black hoodie. It smells faintly of apples and spice, along with something familiar and intoxicating that Louis can only pinpoint as Harry's natural scent.

As Louis snakes an arm across Harry's stomach, he feels the younger boy's strong muscles underneath his soft hoodie; Louis' favorite combination. Harry sighs contently above Louis and drapes his arm across Louis' back, making the older boy smile and his stomach swirl. "What's new, baby blue?" Louis' smile, which often has a mind of its own around Harry, grows wider, and he looks up at his boyfriend.

"Nothing much," he simply responds, then kisses Harry's jaw.

"Just hanging out?" Harry sweetly says, then ruffles Louis' hair before mindlessly rearranging it.

"Mhm," Louis hums. He feels like a child who is all giddy after talking to their crush. He hates how easily Harry can make him feel, it almost hurts. Harry's love and attention feel like a tightness in Louis' chest and butterflies in his stomach, which can only be let go by smiling or giggling or doing any similar obnoxiously in-love action.

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