I'll Be Your Sunshine pt.2

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Summary: Harry struggles to feel love, but that doesn't stop Louis from trying.

It's here! Enjoy! ❤️


"Did you know that electroconvulsive therapy is used for some mood disorders if medication doesn't work?" Harry speaks in the dead silence of his bedroom.

"Really? Isn't that considered unethical?" Louis' voice comes out of the laptop speakers, sounding less warm over FaceTime than in person. Harry, who is laying on his stomach and lackadaisically wiggling his feet in the air, nods before he realizes his head is out of frame.

"I think it's only little shocks," Harry hums.

"Oh." Harry's laptop quietly whirs next to him, washing his mind in white noise until Louis speaks. "Can you look at me real quick?" Louis watches Harry's room get jostled around as Harry readjusts himself on his bed. When the camera stills, he sees his boyfriend's hair, secured in a small claw clip at the top of his head, and the shirt he was wearing when they hung out three days ago. "There's my boy," Louis fondly smiles. "How are you?"

"I'm fine," Harry instinctually replies.

"Are you adjusting to your new meds okay?" After a string of particularly low depressive episodes during the school year, Harry decided to stop taking his medication. After speaking with his psychiatrist, he was prescribed a new medication, which he has been adjusting to for the past week.

He was warned of the side effects, which he has experienced many of, much to his displeasure.

"Yeah," Harry plainly nods. "I finally stopped getting headaches. I'm still not sleeping that great, which gives me ample time to feel shitty at night." Nighttime has always been difficult for Harry when he feels low. He often finds himself laying in bed, mindlessly scrolling on his phone or writing poetry about how bad he feels. That is usually followed by a terrible feeling in his stomach, like he is plummeting down the sharp descent of a roller coaster; sobbing follows soon after.

"What do you do if you can't sleep?" Louis asks, trying to sound more like a concerned boyfriend and less like a therapist, which he sometimes fails at.

"Usually watch YouTube. I'll write if I'm depressed or wank if I'm fine." He gives a small smirk at the end, and Louis bites his lip and smiles.

"Yeah? I'm sure your brain loves those happy chemicals."

"My dick loves it, too. I think it's getting tired, though. I'm glad my meds don't mess with any of that."

"I bet," Louis chuckles at his boyfriend and his dirty mind, shaking his head in astonishment. "Well you seem to be having some better days, bub. My lunch break is almost over, but I'll come by tomorrow, yeah? You know why?"

"Six months." A soft smile livens Harry's face and brightens his usually dim eyes.

"That's right!" Louis suddenly looks up, and Harry hears a short conversation between his boyfriend and someone else. "That was my uncle, he said someone just came in who's celebrating their birthday. Who chooses to celebrate their birthday at a golf club?" He teases.

"The most boring person ever," Harry says.

"Exactly. Thank you. Alright, I've gotta go now. It's not easy being the hottest and most successful employee this club has ever seen, but someone's gotta do it." He throws away his empty lunch bag as the symphony of Harry laughing makes his heart flutter.

"I'm sure it's difficult," he giggles. "Bye Lou."

"Bye Hazza. I'll text you when I'm on my way to yours tomorrow. Maybe around 11?"

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