Needing You

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Summary: (BDSM) Harry is having a bad day, and Louis takes care of him.

Request from sylcoo

Baby probably wore mascara at the Grammys 🥺


Life is hard sometimes. When you have three concerts in two different cities, along with promo stuff and writing sessions, all in one week, things can become tense. Busy schedules can be especially hard if you're a Sub like Harry.

During a busy week, Harry will usually be quieter and less extroverted. He will turn in on himself and want to spend relaxing time alone, which he hardly ever gets to do.

"What do we have to do today?" Harry asks Louis. He is currently resting his chin on the back of the couch and looking out the large window on the tour bus.

"We're stopping at the hotel before we go to the stadium, then we have stuff to do there before the show," Louis says.

"Great," Harry sighs. If it was up to him, he would spend all day in bed with Louis, preferably at home. Realizing that a relaxing day is the opposite of the one set before them, Harry shuts his eyes and tries to sleep. Despite only waking up a few short hours ago, he already feels the need to recharge.


The boys make it to their hotel, but they have less than an hour to move into their rooms before they are hauled off to the stadium where their show is tonight. All Harry wants to do is lay down for five minutes, but he can't find a window to sneak off to his dressing room.

"H, we have to do the promo video," Louis says, just as Harry starts for his dressing room. 

"I don't want to," Harry sighs, but turns on his heel and follows Louis nevertheless, walking further and further away from the comfort of his dressing room. They stand next to Liam, Niall, and Zayn, with Niall standing between the couple. A crew member holds up a phone and gives them the signal to begin speaking, and Liam talks first. Harry tries his best to look engaged, but he can hardly focus on anything. He only realizes that the video is over when Louis taps him on the shoulder.

"Lou said she wants to give you a haircut now," Louis tells him. Everyone has gone back to their normal routines, but Harry feels like the Earth has tilted off its axis.

"No," he shakes his head, then rubs his face and sighs. Their busy morning of driving, dropping everything off at the hotel, driving to the stadium, walking through a crowd of fans and paparazzi, and doing a promo video for a new single is damaging Harry's mental health, and now he's supposed to be getting a haircut?

"What do you mean 'no'?" Louis wonders. "H, look at me." He rests his hands on either side of Harry's face to make the Sub look at him.

"Stop," Harry whines, then squirms out of Louis' hands. Louis goes to hold onto Harry's arm, but each time he touches him, Harry feels like his skin is on fire. He is completely overwhelmed and suffocated, but he feels he has no reason to be. Louis tries guiding Harry towards the hair and makeup station, but Harry thrashes his arm to escape Louis' hold once again, this time accidentally smacking his Dom on the lip with full force. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry," he quickly apologizes, taking a step back and covering his mouth with his hands.

"Harry Edward-" Louis starts, then reaches up to touch his lip, "go to your dressing room." Harry runs to his dressing room, slamming the door behind him before breaking down. His breaths come out sporadically as the realization sets in: he just hit Louis. Surely Louis is going to punish him, maybe spank him right there in the dressing room, or even take away his phone for a few days. Whatever his punishment is going to be, he doesn't want it.

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