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Summary: Louis takes care of 14-week pregnant Harry and they reveal the pregnancy to the boys.

*This one shot takes place in an AU where males can also get pregnant*


Louis wakes up to an empty bed. Instead of spooning Harry, he finds himself spooning one of Harry's pillows; Harry must have done that when he got up. Louis sits up and rubs his eyes, then looks around the dark room, humming when he still doesn't see his husband. So, he ambles to the bathroom in just his shorts and socks, picking up a shirt from his closet and slipping it on on the way.

"Harry?" Louis quietly knocks on the door. When he gets no response, he takes a step back and sighs when he realizes that the light isn't on. He purses his lips and knits his eyebrows, because every morning for the past 14 weeks, Harry has either been in the bathroom having a wee, throwing up, or trying not to throw up. "Harry?" Louis speaks again once he makes it downstairs.

"In here!" Harry calls. Louis smiles at the comfortable, familiar sound of Harry's voice as he follows it to the living room.

"Good morning." Louis places a kiss to Harry's temple, then starts for the kitchen.

"I've got your cuppa in here," Harry says. Louis smiles once again and turns around. Surely enough, a steaming cup of tea is sitting on a coaster on the wooden coffee table in front of the couch.

"Thank you, love, but you didn't have to do that," Louis happily sits next to his spouse, who is only wearing black shorts and crew socks.

"I'm happy to. I feel great right now," he smiles.

"No nausea?" Louis wonders.


"What happened to your shirt?"

"Hot flashes," Harry gives an unenthusiastic smile, then sips on his orange juice. "I just ate a small breakfast, so this may not be completely accurate. But..." Harry stands up and turns sideways, cupping the bottom of his belly and showing Louis his tiny bump.

"You're showing!" Louis exclaims. While "showing" is a very loose term, Harry's usual fairly flat stomach has begun to protrude.

"I just look bloated. I hardly look pregnant," he pouts.

"That's not true, baby," Louis coos. Harry has been emotional for the past few months, and Louis doesn't want his boy to cry at 10 in the morning. "Our baby is in there. The doctor said you probably won't show as much as other people towards the beginning of the second trimester because you've got a long torso," he reminds him. "But you are showing a little right now." Louis looks down at Harry's tummy and smiles, because that's their baby.

"I guess you're right," Harry says with a small smile.

"I'm always right," Louis chuckles. "You look as beautiful as ever. Do you think it's about time we tell friends? Our family has known for a few days now." Harry bites his lip at the mention of having to tell more people about the pregnancy, since they had a miscarriage a little over a year ago. However, now that they are in the second trimester, a miscarriage is highly unlikely.

"Okay," Harry eventually says. "How should we tell them?" He wonders.

"Let's just tell them when we see them at work today," Louis shrugs. To announce Harry's pregnancy to Louis and Harry's families, they sent each household a bouquet of baby pink and baby blue flowers with an ultrasound attached to a card holder of 13-week old baby Tomlinson.

"Okay," Harry agrees.

"You sit down while I text the group chat, and then I can give you a back massage. How does that sound?"

Larry Stylinson One Shots IIWhere stories live. Discover now