Sparks Fly

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Summary: Louis and Harry's relationship has fallen into mundane routine; Harry plans to change that.

Too many of my one shot titles are also song titles 😩


A square table seating four, lined with a white cloth, sets a blank canvas for expensive dishes paired with expensive wine. Four individuals sit together, but only three souls reside.

"It looks like a regular slice of cake but it tastes like heaven," Sophia says, her voice decorated with delight and satisfaction.

"It's got gold on it! How can it look like a regular slice of cake?" Liam amusedly says, poking at a gold flake with his shiny silver fork.

Louis and Harry turn their gazes to each other in synch, exchanging fond eye rolls.

"Refill?" Louis asks when he notices Harry is low on wine.

"I was just about to reach for the bottle," Harry smittenly chuckles. He watches as Louis' soft and gentle hand fills his glass halfway. He then returns the bottle to its place in the middle of the table before reaching underneath the cloth and holding Harry's hand.

"How do you not like ice cream?" Harry hears Liam ask Sophia in an astonished tone when he tunes back into the conversation.

"It's too cold," Sophia chuckles in response to her boyfriend's surprised expression.

Harry is surprised that Liam did not know such a rudimentary thing about his girlfriend. When he thinks further, he realizes he knows Louis' two favorite ice cream flavors, and even that he sometimes likes to wait for all the ice cream to melt in his mouth and eat the cookie dough bits afterwards.

"Harry doesn't like plain chocolate bars," Louis chimes in. Once again, Liam's mind is blown. With a pursed smile, Harry looks at his cleared-off plate that once held a beautiful tart.

Liam and Sophia diverge on a brand new quest of discovering foods their partner dislikes, and all Harry and Louis can do is stifle their laughter. Louis almost doubts the integrity of their relationship, even though they are only less than a year in.

Eventually, Harry speaks up, having bit his tongue for long enough.

"How do you not know that Sophia likes the room cold when she sleeps?" Harry asks.

"Shouldn't you know that?" Louis agrees, since Sophia occasionally accompanies Liam on tour.

"Sorry I don't know the shape the freckles on her arms make, guys," Liam pokes back at the couple in a sarcastic matter.

"They make triangles," Louis whispers, recounting the time he got drunk and drew lines to connect the small freckles on Harry's forearms, leaving him with a mosaic of poorly drawn triangles on his arms the next morning.

"I bet they know everything about each other," Sophia tells Liam. "Right?" She asks for confirmation, looking at the boys sitting across from her. Louis and Harry look at each other, mentally coming to the same conclusion. However, neither of them are correct in their subliminal answers.

"No," Louis says.

"We still surprise each other," Harry reasons.

"I bet you do," Liam says, sounding unconvinced. Their conversation continues as the bottle of wine slowly runs empty.

"Just the other day," Harry blurts as soon as he remembers a recent instance of surprising Louis, "I was telling Louis that I thought Natalie Portman was hot. That surprised him." Louis softly chuckles beside Harry when he hears this.

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