Don't Give Up On Me

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Summary: Louis and Harry are both having bad days, and they both need different things from each other.

Content Warning
Suicidal thoughts, self harm

Okay so this one's gonna be a little tricky. In the beginning I labeled Harry and Louis' POVs, but in the next section their thoughts are going to be different. Instead of rewriting the same scene twice (which imo isn't very fun to read) I'm just gonna do their thoughts in the same scene

⭐ So, Harry's thoughts will be italicized and Louis' thoughts will be bolded.

I hope that isn't too tricky to read!


Harry POV
Recognizing that I am having a bad day is difficult for me, but I am working on it. Forcing myself to slow down and feel my emotions when life refuses to slow down for me sucks. It sucks, and it doesn't always work out. It makes it impossible to reach out, because I can't stop time and disregard all of my responsibilities just because I'm feeling sad.

Sometimes life will create a perfect storm of busyness, stress, and sadness that makes me want to stay in bed all day and sob for no reason. And sometimes I do that. Other times, the storm will creep up slowly, starting as a few scattered showeres here and there, giving me a glimpse of what's to come. That is what has happened all week; I'm just waiting to get caught in the storm now.

On Thursday, I had to spend the day on vocal rest, which meant that I wasn't able to communicate effectively with anyone. So I sat on the sidelines of writing and travelling, going unnoticed and unseen.

The following day was bad as well, partially because I couldn't be bothered to cheer myself up. Apparently Louis couldn't be bothered to, either.

I was fine for a few days after that, and then the storm hit in full force, and the rain didn't let up once. For two days I wanted to die. I let my suicidal thoughts manifest, and I even made a list of what I would be leaving behind if I brought my thoughts to life.

Today is the third day of me feeling like shit, and I have never felt more alone and unloved in my life. Louis has never felt so far from me. My days, which were once spent with me and my band mates trying to make the best of our sometimes stressful schedule, have turned into hours of crying and not caring about a single thing, and thinking deeper about suicide than I ever have before.


Louis POV
Whenever I get upset about something, I keep to myself until I feel better. Whenever Harry gets upset about something, he needs affection and physical love to ease the emotional pain he feels.

There is a time that doesn't come very often. But when the time does come, it brings a deep sorrow with it that simultaneously torments Harry and I.

The sorrow feels like a sickness. You can feel it in its prodromal period, you can sense the warning signs, but it is usually too late to fix by then. This time, the sickness began with me, and only a day or two after, it spread to Harry.

The best thing about being rich and in a successful band is that I get to financially take care of my big family. I get to pay for my sisters' schooling, and I am currently in the process of buying my mum and her husband a new house. Unfortunately, the process is extremely stressful.

The looming stress of buying a new house gave me the bug, but what followed completely incompacitated me. The worst part is, it was my fault.

On Thursday, I got a call from Simon, who took it upon himself to scold me for getting drunk and almost getting myself arrested. Sure, Liam was with me and we were both being stupid, but I was the one who decided to go streaking. Simon and the lawyer he hired talked my punishment down to a fine, which I paid and thought that was the end of it. Until Simon called me.

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