Love In All Forms

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Summary: Louis can't get pregnant, One Direction's Where We Are tour just ended, and Harry is obsessed with picking flowers for Louis.

*Once again pretend males are able to get pregnant*


Louis POV
Everything is sterile. I knew what my doctor was going to say as soon as I saw his face, and the medical equipment and overwhelming sanitization of the room offers no comfort. My heart aches in my chest as I sit across from him in the examination room, my dangling legs completely still.

"I'm sorry, Louis. Having children naturally is simply not an option for you." He tries to sound sympathetic, but he has delivered the news one too many times to hopeful parents for the words to carry any meaning. I bow my head and a teardrop falls on the top of my hand. My doctor goes on about me possibly having a chance with in vitro fertilization or surrogacy, but what solace does that provide to my useless womb?

My appointment ends and I walk down the barren hallway, out the double doors and into a cloudless, sunny day. I start my car and head for my house, checking my phone at a red light.

Styles: Back from grocery shopping, just made lunch for us. The boys are joining us at the park.

The park. The last place I want to be is at a park out in the so-called beautiful weather, surrounded by happy families spending their day at the park. I feel like I am rotting from the inside out.

I begin to type out a response to Harry when the car behind me honks. Only then do I notice that the light is green.

"Fuck off," I spit, sticking my middle finger up for the car behind me.

L: On my way back


"Thanks for the food," Niall thanks Harry for the lunch of sandwiches, potato chips, and fresh fruit.

"No problem. Thank you guys for coming," Harry warmly replies. I ignore their ongoing conversation, even when I hear my name. Instead, my dispirited eyes watch the children playing on the other side of the private park. They swing across the monkey bars and skip along the hopscotch squares, the younger ones kicking their tiny legs in the air as their parents push them on the swings. It is finally Harry's devastatingly hopeful hand rubbing up and down my back that gets my attention. "Louis had a doctor appointment today." Zayn, Niall, and Liam turn their eyes to me, not yet having to bear the crushing weight of bad news.

"Yeah, I did," I mumble, already feeling a lump in my throat.

"As you know, we've been trying for a baby for a little while," Harry starts; the words are like nails on a chalkboard. "Louis did some tests with the doctor to see if it's a good time to be trying and how to have a better chance at succeeding." He looks at me with a soft, yet excited, smile.

"Um," my voice cracks, "we can't," is all I can muster up before having to choke back tears.

"What?" Harry's hand stills on my back, and tears are once again falling to my lap.

"He said we can't conceive a baby. I'm sorry," I say, my voice barely above a whisper. Everyone underneath the oak tree is now still and silent, all processing my infertility after holding onto hope for so long. I take one look at my despondent friends and speechless husband before storming off.

"Louis!" Harry calls after me. I hear him jogging to catch up with me, which only makes me walk faster. "Hey." He grabs hold of my arm and turns me around; I can hardly see him through my blurry, wet eyes.

"What?" I snap.

"You can't just say that and then leave," he says, mindful of his volume to keep the conversation private.

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