I Can't Touch What I See

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Summary: Louis takes care of Harry after Harry's therapy session.

This is the first one shot I'm releasing from The Vault™ (super secret but some of you may recognize it 👀👀👀). Basically old stuff but edited to how I would write it now :)


Louis sits in the quiet waiting room of the doctor's office, scrolling through Twitter as he waits for Harry to finish his appointment. After 30 minutes, the door opens, and Harry walks out.

"Hey, bubba. How was it?" Louis asks, knowing that Harry's doctor appointments and therapy sessions usually upset him.

"We have to pick up medication on the way home," is all Harry says as he exits the waiting room, not even stopping for Louis. Louis sighs as he jogs to catch up to Harry, knowing it's going to be a rough day for the boy. They meet up at the elevator, and Harry leans against the wall and looks at the floor while Louis clicks the button that takes them to the main floor.

Louis opens the car door for Harry and the boy slowly climbs in, then stares blankly at the space in front of him. Louis shuts the door and walks over to his side, buckling his seatbelt and starting the car.

"Hazza, seatbelt," Louis gently reminds him. Harry doesn't respond, so Louis reaches over and buckles his seatbelt for him. "I'm here with you baby," Louis reassures Harry, kissing his temple before moving back to his seat and starting the drive to the pharmacy.


"Are you hungry?" Louis asks as he and Harry take their shoes off by their apartment door.

"No," Harry mumbles, feebly sitting down on the couch and tipping his new pill bottle back and forth, watching the light blue pills move in the container. "I'm sick. Something's wrong with me, otherwise they wouldn't have given me these," he quietly says. Louis looks at the dejected boy and frowns, then goes over to him.

"Hey, don't say that," Louis says, sitting down next to Harry and brushing his long hair out of his face.

"What am I then?" Harry simply asks. Louis thinks for a moment, trying to form an answer.

"It's not your fault you have these," Louis starts, closing his hands around Harry's hand and the pill bottle, "you just need a little help regulating things, and that's okay. There's nothing wrong with getting help, as long as you're happy."

"I won't be happy either way," Harry sighs.

"Do you have to start taking these today?" Louis asks, changing Harry's thoughts; Harry simply nods.

"My psychiatrist said they might make me tired until I get used to them, which could take about a week," he softly says.

"How about I get you a glass of water so you can take your medicine, then we can cuddle and watch a movie?" Louis suggests.

"Sure," Harry unenthusiastically says. Louis goes to the kitchen and gets a glass of water, then returns to his spot next to Harry on the couch, watching him as he swallows the small pill. Louis then lays back on the couch, and Harry snuggles up into his side, wrapping a blanket around the two of them.

Harry rests his head on Louis' shoulder and drapes his legs over the older boy's thighs as Louis turns on The Notebook, Harry's favorite movie. Louis' arms subconsciously make their way around Harry, holding him close. He gingerly runs his fingertips up and down Harry's side, sending chills down his spine and causing Harry to relax. Harry soon drifts off to sleep, gently snoring. Louis coos at this before going to sleep as well, since he doesn't want to wake Harry by trying to get up. He knows this week will be a difficult one for his boy, but he will be by Harry's side every minute of every day. 


Senior year track season starts tomorrow woot woot I'm ready to beat some school records and get some moreeee 😈😈


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