Half The World Away

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Summary: Louis and Harry are in a long-distance relationship and Harry is having a bad week. Good thing Louis would go to the ends of the Earth to make his boyfriend happy.

Request from tommoshlzn 

Yes the title is 1D's unreleased song 😌


Have you ever had to keep a smile on your face even though you felt like crying? That is how Harry has felt all week.

With the end of the first semester of school coming to an end, Harry has been studying for his exams during any free time he has. When he isn't studying, he is either at the gym, at work, or sleeping. Having no free time has been stressing him out, but getting picked on by a few select students has just made everything unbearable.

Nothing seems to be going right, and the one person in the world who can make it better is five hours away. That doesn't seem very far, but it is to two college students who can't afford to and don't have the time to drive 10 hours round trip every weekend just to spend 24 hours with their partner.

So, as Harry sits in his bed in his small apartment and FaceTimes Louis, he holds back his tears and frustration and turns on a smile.

"There you are," Louis happily says when the call connects. "How are you?" Harry wants to answer honestly, that he has no time to himself and he is getting picked on for posting about his boyfriend on social media and his boyfriend isn't even there to make it better. Instead, he replies with the answer that will need the shortest explanation, if any at all.

"I'm good. You?"

"I'm alright. Do you have finals this week?" Louis asks.

"Mine are next week," Harry simply replies.

"Oh, mine are in a couple of days. It's been pretty stressful studying for them. I wish you were here," he admits. Harry suddenly feels guilty for not being honest with Louis, but he then realizes that Louis has a lot on his plate in terms of school and work and he doesn't want to make Louis worry about him.

"I wish you were here," Harry pouts. "I just wanna cuddle and spend all day with you...but we can't." Harry's voice cracks, and he looks down to hide his tears.

"Hey, hey, honey, what's wrong?" Louis asks, concern and care strung in his voice; this only makes Harry cry more.

"I lied to you," Harry confesses, then wipes his tears on his hoodie sleeve before looking back up at Louis.

"About what?" Louis adjusts his phone and seems to be listening more intently now. What could Harry have lied about?

"You asked how I was and I said I was good. I'm not good at all," he sniffles, trying his best to stop crying. Harry doesn't cry very often, but when he does, he cries. He figures that if he can hold off on crying for the rest of the call with Louis, he can let it all out later.

"Why aren't you good?" Louis asks with a small frown on his face.

"I'm stressed out. I've been studying for exams for hours every single day, and that's on top of classes and work and finding time to go to the gym, and...yeah." He decides to leave out the people who are making fun of him, because he doesn't want Louis to intervene.

"Thank you for telling me, but why didn't you tell me before?" He wonders.

"I just," Harry sighs, "I didn't want you to worry about me. You're hours away and you have your own life and you don't need the added stress of my problems."

"You're a big part of my life, H. It doesn't matter if to me if your 'problems' stress me out, because you're important to me and I want to help in any way I can. Okay?" Harry stays silent for a few seconds, then simply nods. "Good. Now how can I make it better?" Louis softly asks. His familiar voice comforts Harry, and if he closes his eyes, it almost feels like Louis is in the room with him.

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