You Keep Me Warm

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Summary: The One Direction boys are snowed in and Louis and Harry pretend to hate each other.

Essentially a one shot version of those Larry crack videos on YouTube

Also my graduation ceremony is tonight! 👩🏼‍🎓


"Due to shockingly cold weather and a severe blizzard, a 'stay home' order has been issued by the Mayor of London until the weather has improved. The Mayor of London has said this is the..."

"Harry, turn the bloody television off. I'm sleeping," Louis groans, then pulls the warm, white comforter over his head.

"Shh, Liam's showing me something," Harry quietly replies, then reaches beside him and gives Louis his hand, since he is sitting up. Louis takes his hand and holds it, then lies on his stomach on top of their intertwined hands. Louis waits until Liam leaves the room, then shuffles over and lies on top of Harry's thighs. "Lou, get off," Harry chuckles and starts pushing Louis off of his legs so he can get up.

"What was Liam showing you?" Louis wonders.

"There's a blizzard so we have to stay inside. Luckily, the boys slept over last night so we have some company."

"How is that lucky? We could've fucked all day." Louis stretches and yawns before sitting up and joining Harry in the bathroom.

"Oh, we can still fuck, just not all day..." Harry claps his hands on Louis' shoulders, then lets his hands slowly slide down to the older boy's chest with a small smirk.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I'm gonna take a shower now," Louis playfully says.

"I think I'll join you," Harry decides in the same playful tone, both boys acting oblivious to what they both very clearly know is going to happen in the shower.


45 minutes after Louis and Harry stepped into the shower, they are both trying not to limp as they walk downstairs bundled in hoodies and sweatpants.

"Look who decided to join us," Niall happily says. "We helped ourselves to breakfast, I hope you don't mind."

"We didn't know how long you'd be, but it looks like you fit a whole lot of fucking in a short window," Liam snorts.

"Fucking? Ew, I would never fuck Harry," Louis scoffs, discreetly smacking Harry's bum before going to make a bowl of cereal.

"What," Niall simply says.

"Why would you think I would fuck Harry? I hate him," Louis says as he sits at the kitchen table with Niall and Liam.

"The ring on your finger says otherwise," Liam points out. Louis looks down at his left hand, then slides his ring off and raises his arm.

"Too far," Harry says before Louis throws the ring. He listens to Harry and puts the ring back on, then eats his cereal.

"Well, since you hate Harry, I guess you won't mind if we go watch a movie and sit super close together on the couch?" Liam smirks.

"Be my guest. I would hate to sit on the same couch as him."

"Like you'd ever get the chance to. I know you're just jealous because we're tall and take up the whole couch," Harry teases Louis, and Louis rolls his eyes with a fond smile that only Harry picks up.

Niall and Louis join Liam and Harry on the couch after they finish breakfast. Louis happily snuggles up into Harry's side, wrapping an arm around his husband's torso. He also rests his head on Harry's shoulder, occasionally nudging Harry's neck with his nose or kissing his jaw.

"Hi baby," Harry whispers after scrunching his nose at how cute Louis is.

"Louis, are you cuddling with Harry? Don't you hate him?" Niall asks, almost sounding shocked.

"I'm just whispering all the ways I could beat him up, duh," Louis blatantly replies.

"Hmm, I think it checks out. What about you, Payno?" Niall says.

"I agree. And obviously he's got his arm around Harry as some sort of wrestling move," Liam adds.

"Obviously," Louis agrees.


As the day wears on, the blizzard picks up, and Harry, Liam, Louis, and Niall are growing more tired of being inside by the hour.

"H, can you check outside to see if I left my car windows open? I was smoking and driving yesterday," Louis explains, unwilling to remove himself from his comfortable position on the couch.

"Whipped," Niall coughs when Harry gets up from the couch.

"What was that Niall?" Harry asks, his eyebrows raised and an intimidating look on his face--intimidating to Louis, at least.

"Facing the cold for your enemy is not something a true Louis hater would do," Niall sarcastically says as he shakes his head. Harry thinks this over for a minute, since he is supposed to "hate" Louis today even though he isn't quite sure why or how this started.

"I hope your window is wide open," Harry mumbles, almost unable to wish harm unto Louis or his belongings.

"Dick," Louis says.

"Funny, 'cause my dick was in you this morning." Harry swiftly retorts.

"And mine in you."

"You two are unbelievable," Liam chuckles, hiding his red cheeks with his hands.

"Please, H? I don't wanna get up," Louis gives Harry a pouty face, which he knows Harry can never refuse.

"Fine," Harry groans. He jogs to the front door, steps outside for a few seconds, then jogs back to the couch. He flings his chilly body onto Liam, earning an annoyed sigh from his friend. "The windows were closed."

"Thanks. I love you," Louis smiles.

"That's gay," Harry says.

"I love you. No homo," Louis corrects himself.

"Much better. I love you too," Harry reaches over and kisses Louis on the lips, then whispers a simple, yet effective, phrase against his lips. "No homo."


Towards the end I kind gave up and was just tryna make it stupid and it kinda reminded me of Shrek in some weird way

I hope you enjoyed whatever the fuck this was hahaha


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