Already Home

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Summary: Harry and Taylor break up, Louis blames Harry.

People who are fans of both Harry and Dr. Swift are children of divorceeee 🥲

Also Harry's Capital Summertime Ball outfit was 😙🤌🏼


Harry POV
She's genuine. She has a mesmerizing, raw, beautiful voice that carries straight to your heart. Her songwriting talent is endless, and she always seems to know how to take care of those she loves. She's older, by five years to be exact, but when we hang out or go on dates I swear she's 18 with me. She's funny, even if she won't admit it, and she's mine.

He's passionate. He's wild in the best way and is always up for a last-minute adventure. He never sugarcoats anything. He cares deeply for his loved ones, and his siblings are his best friends. He's older than me by three years, but it sometimes feels like the roles are reversed. One of his appreciated talents is his ability to effortlessly make a whole room laugh. He always knows what to say to me, whatever mood I'm in, and he's mine.

Letting me date Taylor is one of the most selfless things Louis believes he's ever done. In his mind, he is sending his most prized possession across the world, hoping it comes back in one piece. Through skiing accidents and missing me on New Year's Eve, his heart has learned to be more fond of our time together.

I've told Louis that he can date other people, having explained the concept of an open relationship too many times to keep track of. He claims he tried to bring a girl home once, but he couldn't bring himself to do it when he "already has the person he wants." But that doesn't nullify the fact that he told me he is okay with having an open relationship.

Louis: are you coming home tonight or are you spending the night with her?

"We're here." Taylor's voice stops my fingers from typing out a reply. We quietly walk to her front door, and I sit on the couch while she takes her heels off.

"You look really pretty tonight," I say, in case it slipped my mind during dinner.

"Thank you," she blushes. "You look very handsome, Harry." She sits next to me on the couch, the floral scent of her perfume lingering blissfully in the air. I tuck a lock of her soft, blonde hair behind her ear before kissing her cheek.

"Do you wanna watch a movie?" I ask. "Or we could play Scrabble." Her face shows a hint of trouble before transforming into a gentle smile.

"I've actually been wanting to talk to you about something," she slowly says. I sit up straighter and nervously gulp at the tone of her voice.

"What is it?" I ask.

"I don't think we should see each other anymore," she says, purposefully avoiding my gaze.

"What do you mean? Why?" My thoughts are jumbled and the room is beginning to feel hot. "What does that mean?" I ask again.

"Harry, you're a great guy, you really are. But I just can't be with someone who's so scared all the time," she says, sounding like she carefully planned this.

"I'm not scared," I protest.

"Everything always feels tentative with you. We both deserve to be with people who are in it wholeheartedly, you know?" My memories of Taylor from the past few months flip through my mind, but I can't find anything that proves that I'm scared. "I don't want us to end on bad terms. We tried it, we had fun, and now we part ways. It's natural," she calmly speaks, putting her hand on my shoulder when she notices tears in my eyes.

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