Princess Park

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Summary: Louis and Harry tell Anne that they're moving in together.

Request from Brisunflower29


"Harry, stop tapping your foot, you're making me nervous," Louis says, lightly hitting Harry's thigh.

"Sorry," Harry quietly apologizes. Right now, the two boys are sitting in a restaurant, waiting for Harry's mother and stepfather. Harry is more nervous than he should be, and Louis is pretending not to be nervous for Harry's sake.

"I think I see your mum," Louis suddenly says. Harry looks at Louis and follows his gaze. Sure enough, his mother and stepfather are making their way to the table.

"Hi boys!" Anne smiles; both boys stand up to greet Harry's parents.

"Hi Mister and Mrs. Twist," Louis says, remembering when Harry told him for the tenth time that his mother isn't "Mrs. Styles".

"It's so nice to see you both," Anne smiles. "To what do we owe this pleasure?" Everyone sits down, and a waitress brings them water while they start looking over the menu.

"Can't I have lunch with my mum, stepdad, and best friend without wanting anything from it?" Harry sarcastically says.

"Of course you can, it just sounded important when you called and asked to meet us," Robin says.

"Are you ready to order?" The same waitress asks. Her black hair is tied back in a low bun, and her jeans and white blouse suit the casual, yet somewhat formal feel of the place.

"Yes, I'll have the spring salad please," Anne says.

"Me too," Robin adds.

"We're gonna split a small cheese pizza," Louis tells the waitress. She scribbles the order onto her small notepad, then heads back to the kitchen.

"So, as you know, the band is kind of picking up and getting more popular," Harry begins. He glances at Louis for reassurance, who smiles and gives him a small nod. "Now that the show has wrapped up, we have to move out of the X Factor house."

"Have you found a place yet? Are the five of you going to live together?" Robin wonders.

"We're all gonna be pretty close together, but some of us might be closer than others," Louis says. Harry keeps staring at Louis, causing Louis to chuckle. "I don't wanna say it," he quietly says to Harry.

"Why do I have to?" Harry whispers.

"They're your parents," Louis whispers back, and Harry sighs.

"What is it?" Anne wonders.

"I think you should ask," Harry persistently counters, not responding to his mother. "Shouldn't you be asking for their blessing?"

"I'm not asking them to marry you, Harold." Harry rolls his eyes at this, then looks to his mother and Robin. "But fine, I'll be the adult in this relationship."

"Okay one, I'm 16, and two, you're not my boyfriend," Harry corrects.

"Boys," Robin says. "Are you going to keep bickering or are you going to talk to us?" He lightheartedly says.

"Go," Harry whispers to Louis, then nudges his knee under the table.

"We were wondering if Harry and I could move in together?" Louis' hesitant question is met with silence, followed by Anne and Robin exchanging surprised glances.

"Harry..." Anne starts, not knowing what else to say. "You've only known each other for a couple of months."

"But we're super close! We know a lot about each other, and we even shared a room in the X Factor house," Harry counters. "Please mum."

"I don't think it's a very good idea," Anne warily decides.

"Do something," Harry quietly tells Louis. He has a small pout to his lips, and his eyebrows are faintly knitted. Louis feels protective over Harry in this moment, and he doesn't want to see him cry; he has only seen Harry cry once, which was when they got voted off of X Factor. That one time was enough for Louis to give himself the goal of making sure Harry never has a reason to cry.

"All five of us have gotten pretty close over the past few months. We shared a room at the X Factor house, we spent nearly every day together, and we went through the show together. Obviously we've all formed a close bond, so I think me and Harry living together would be beneficial for both of us." Once again, the boys are met with silence.

"I just feel uncomfortable with two minors living alone," Robin admits.

"I'm 18, turning 19 this year," Louis quickly says.

"Oh," Anne says, her face perking up a bit. Her and Robin start whispering to each other, which only adds to Harry's nervousness. The longer they whisper for, the more doubtful Harry becomes.

"It's alright," Louis whispers to Harry and holds his hand under the table when he hears him give a soft sigh.

"We've decided that you can live together. But Louis, are you okay with being Harry's legal guardian?" Anne asks. Harry beams with happiness, and Louis squeezes Harry's hand and answers with a wide grin.

"Yes, of course, I'll look after him," Louis exchanges fond smiles with Harry, and Harry feels butterflies in his stomach.

"Thank you," Harry smiles as he thanks his mother and Robin.

"Just don't have any crazy parties," Robin lightheartedly says.

"We won't," Harry cheekily replies. He and Louis can let go of each other's hands at any time; neither of them need comforting now. However, as Louis watches Harry smile a bubbly smile while he talks to his parents, he realizes he never wants to let go of Harry's hand. He smiles to himself and feels warm inside, because this is the start of something great.


I know this isn't the best but I really didn't know what else to do for it 👉🏼👈🏼 anyways I'm editing another one now and it's one that I really like!!!

Also I am officially out of high school eeee!! My graduation ceremony is this upcoming Thursday ☺️☺️


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