My Night-Light

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Summary: Harry is difficult and emotional and temperamental and everyone wonders why Louis even bothers with him. Underneath all the clinginess, tantrums, and slight age regression is a broken, caring boy who just wants to be loved.

*Harry sometimes calls Louis Daddy in this but it's not BDSM it's his slight age regression (if you can call it that)*

Content Warning
Mentions of assault

Also when I mention Harry's stepfather I am NOT talking about Robin, just picture some weird dude


Harry has been trying to fold his pocket square properly for longer than he had expected. After his first try, he let out a small huff and unfolded it. After his second try, he muttered a curse word. After his third try, he smacked the small, light grey square against the table. On his fourth try, he throws the pocket square across the room, crying out of frustration and collapsing to the floor when it floats to the carpet.

"Harry? What's wrong?" Zayn asks when he sees his friend throwing a fit on the floor.

"The stupid thing won't work!" He shouts among his crying and pouting.

"I'm sure this isn't helping the situation. What do you need?" Zayn asks, still unsure of what Harry is talking about.

"I can't fucking fold it! It's ruined," Harry whines.

"Harry, I can't help you if you keep crying. Shit, I have to go finish getting ready," Zayn hurries off to Lou Teasdale's hotel room to get his hair done for the award show, leaving Harry to cry and work himself up over a little pocket square.

"Who's crying?" Liam says aloud as he finds himself in Louis and Harry's room--the communal hotel room since two fifths of the band are already in the same place. "Oh, Harry. What happened?" He quickly asks in a kind tone when he sees Harry on the floor hugging himself tightly and slowly rocking back and forth.

"Everything's ruined," he sniffles.

"Nothing's ruined, H. What are you talking about?" Liam wonders. Harry starts to respond, but he ends up crying again instead. "Okay, you know what? How about I find Louis for you? Do you wanna see Louis?" Harry's eyes seem to brighten at the sound of Louis' name, so Liam smiles and helps Harry up. He takes him down the hall, where Louis is putting his suit on in Niall's room.

"I'm totally stealing this shirt from you, mate," Louis chuckles to Niall. As soon as he hears Harry's all too familiar whimpers and sniffles, he turns towards the door and his smile fades. "Haz, baby, what's the matter?" He coos, automatically turning soft and inviting.

"Everyone keeps asking me that," Harry complains.

"Come here." Louis walks over to the living room and Harry follows. Louis then shuts the door behind them, giving the couple privacy. "Why is my baby crying, hm?" His voice is soft and quiet and it brings Harry comfort. Louis then gently lifts Harry's chin up so he is looking at him, then gives him a small smile before wrapping his arms around him. He slowly rubs Harry's back and quietly shushes him, having to do this for a couple of minutes in order for Harry to calm down.

"My pocket square is dumb," Harry speaks up once he has stopped crying.

"Why is your pocket square dumb?" Louis softly chuckles.

"It wouldn't fold right."

"Ah. That can be tricky. Why don't you show me where it is so I can fold it?" Harry nods, takes Louis' hand, and leads him down the hall to their shared room. Louis sees the light grey pocket square lying on the floor; little does he know, Harry had a meltdown right next to the small cloth less than 20 minutes ago. "Let's sit over here." Louis picks up the pocket square and leads Harry to the couch. "First you lay it out like this," Louis starts by lying it flat on his lap. "Watch closely, bub. You watching?" Louis wonders.

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