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Summary: Louis and Harry's daughter gets her first period, and the boys don't know what to do.

Call me Taylor Swift because this is from The Vault 🤩


Harry leans against his black Range Rover and pushes his sunglasses up the bridge of his nose as he casually looks around the front of the school. Louis usually picks his and Harry's daughter up from school, but he is stuck in a meeting today. That is why Harry grabbed his keys and a pair of sunglasses and raced out the door as soon as he got Louis' text; he wouldn't want to leave his daughter waiting.

He sees the double doors swing open, and a flood of students emerge from the building. Harry straightens his posture and he excitedly searches for Harper. Not even a minute later, he sees her speedwalking over to him. She is wearing her school uniform, which is only slightly less put together than it was this morning. Her brown hair is naturally curly, and her blue eyes match Louis'. They used a surrogate on Harry's side of the family and Louis' sperm, and the couple loves the fact that they can see parts of each other in their daughter's looks and mannerisms.

"Hi Papa!" Harper happily throws her arms around Harry's torso, and Harry hugs her back.

"Hi, princess. How was school?" He asks as Harper pulls away and gets in the backseat of the car.

"It was good. I got all my homework done." Harry buckles his seat belt before peeking in the back to make sure Harper has her seat belt on as well, then sets off for home.

"That's nice," he happily hums.

"Why isn't Dad picking me up today?" Harper wonders.

"Dad's meeting ran late. He should be home soon, though," Harry explains. Harper hums in understanding, then connects her phone to the car to play music. She is particularly fond of older music, but One Direction and Louis and Harry's solo music are fine exceptions thrown into her playlist.

Harry sings along with Harper to the songs he knows, and he smiles and quietly listens when a few of Louis' songs come on. He pulls into the garage a short 15 minutes later, and Harper races to the door when she sees Louis' car parked in the garage.

"Dad!" She calls through the house. While she waits for Louis, she takes her shoes off and leaves them by the door. Harry enters the house seconds after her, and Louis pads down the stairs, having already changed into shorts and a hoodie.

"Hey love. How was school?" Louis hugs her and kisses her on the head before sitting at the kitchen island. Harper sits next to him, and Harry grabs snacks for them.

"It was fine. Got all my homework done," she tells Louis the same thing she told Harry, and Louis smiles.

"That's good. What do you wanna do today?" Louis asks. Harry grabs a bowl of cut up watermelon, a bag of corn chips, and a small container of guacamole. Louis playfully glares at Harry when he sees the guacamole, but younger boy simply smiles back before standing next to Louis.

"I have to practice the piano, then can we watch a movie?" Harper asks, grabbing a chip and dipping it in the guacamole.

"While you practice, Daddy and I can talk about your thirteenth birthday party, which is in two weeks, by the way." Harry smiles. At the mention of turning 13, Harper dances in her seat and cheers.

"Can I have a sleepover with my friends?" She quickly asks.

"We'll talk about it," Louis says with a sneaky smile, and Harper knows the answer to her question is "yes." She takes another chip before grabbing the bowl of watermelon and going up to her room to change.

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