Floral Suit

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Summary: An inside look at the nervous wreck Harry was when he wore the black and white floral suit.

Shoutout to 5secsof1Dmendes for guessing the theme!! Harry's AMA floral suit, the floral suit that started it all 😊

He didn't seem like this much of a nervous wreck when he wore the floral suit IRL, but just go with it please haha


Twenty minutes. Ten minutes. Five minutes.

"Boys! We're going to be late!" Paul walks down the hallway, knocking on the doors of five hotel rooms, all one after the other.

Getting ready for an award show in a hotel involves propped open doors so band members, security guards, and stylists can go room to room, and taking over the bustling hallway with bags of hair products and makeup, and racks of clothing and many different pairs of shoes. This time, only four doors are propped open, and nobody has entered or exited the fifth room since Harry entered in early in the evening.

"I don't think I can do this," Harry says with a shaky voice.

"Of course you can. The other boys will be right there with you," Lou reassures him. She looks all over his outfit, making sure every last inch of it is perfect. "I think you're ready to go," she smiles. Harry's heart beats heavily as he looks in the bathroom mirror at what he can see of his outfit: a black button up blouse underneath a black and white floral print suit. His hair is curled and has the perfect amount of volume, so he almost doesn't want to run his fingers through it, which he has a habit of doing.

Harry wishes he could stall longer, because he is having an awfully hard time seeing straight and his jaw is chattering because he's so nervous; the worst part is that they're not even at the event yet.

"Harry, everyone's waiting," Paul knocks on the door again, then jiggles the handle.

"Lou." Harry turns to Lou and looks helplessly at her, but she can do nothing to help him. Instead, she hugs him for a long time and tells him how amazing he is and how beautiful he looks. She ends up calming him down just enough for him to open the door on his own. Paul greets him first in the hallway by saying something about them running late, and his band mates follow behind. Harry sees two black suits and one grey one, and he immediately feels like the odd one out. He is almost too scattered to even process that he has to walk with them, until Niall grabs his hand and walks with him at the back of the group.

"I love your suit, H. Looks great on you," Niall warmly says as they file onto the elevator. All Harry can do is give a small smile and hope Niall guides him to the car.

Louis and Harry sit in the very back row of the car, as per Liam and Niall's request (something about not wanting to see PDA). The middle seat is open, and Harry stares at Louis' suit while the older boy looks out the window. The car is well on its way to the award show, which means it is far too late for Harry to change his mind now. He has to wear this suit on the red carpet.

Before he loses his mind, he reaches out to touch Louis' hands, which are loosely clasped together in his lap. Louis looks at him, and he is met with the most serious expression that is impossible to read.

"Hey," Louis quietly says. Harry's fingers tremble against Louis' calm, unmoving hands, and Louis picks up on it immediately. "You alright, love?" He asks, and Harry wants to break down. The younger boy silently shakes his head, giving Louis that same helpless look he gave Lou not even thirty minutes ago.

"I can't do this," he whispers.

"You can't do what?" Louis wonders, finally taking hold of Harry's shaking hand. Harry tightly squeezes Louis' hand, silently wishing for him to make it all better. But he can't. The only way out of this situation is through.

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