Harry Scared Of Flying

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Summary: Harry is scared of flying and Louis comforts him.

^^ he's such a baby omg "I can CRY!"


One Direction's first time flying together is an exciting trip to the United States. None of the boys have been to the U.S. before, but all of them have been on a plane. Well, everyone except for Harry and Zayn.

When the five band members are told to pack their bags for a week-long trip overseas to promote their first album Up All Night, they are over the moon. Harry tries to act excited, but it is impossible for him to feel anything but fear. What is so exciting about being stuck in a metal death trap over an ocean for hours on end?

When the boys go back to their hotel rooms to pack for tomorrow's flight, Harry sneaks to Zayn's room to confide in him.

"Hey." Zayn looks up from his pile of clothes to greet Harry, who is standing feebly by the door.

"Hi," Harry awkwardly says. "You've never flown before, right?" He wonders.

"No. You?" Harry shakes his head.

"Are you nervous about it?" Zayn asks.

"I'm petrified," Harry admits, then goes to sit on Zayn's bed. Zayn continues packing, retrieving small piles of clothes from his dresser at a time.

"It'll be alright," Zayn nonchalantly says. "The pilots know what they're doing, it's completely safe."

"Planes have crashed before," Harry states.

"Do you know anyone personally who has died in a plane crash?" Zayn asks. Harry simply shakes his head, and Zayn slowly nods. "Exactly. Don't worry about it, it's gonna be fine. Did you finish packing already?"

"No, I haven't started yet," he says.

"Get to it, then! We're going to the U.S.!" Zayn cheers. Harry offers a fake smile, pretending to share Zayn's excitement until he leaves his room. As he walks back to his hotel room, he lets his shoulders slump and his chest fall. He already feels nervous for the flight, even though it is 18 hours away.


The closer the boys get to the airport, the harder Harry's heart pounds in his chest. He looks out the car window and sees a plane taking off, and he hates that somebody else will be watching him fly soon.

The five boys and a few security guards wait in line to check their luggage, and Harry nervously taps his fingers on the handle bar of his suitcase. He has been in airports before with his family to welcome his stepdad home from business trips, but he has never had a plane ticket with his name on it and boarded a flight.

"Next!" One of the ladies behind the counter calls.

"We're gonna split up for this, just so it takes less time. Each of you pair up with a security guard," Paul says. There are two other guards besides Paul, which means that one band member will have to be alone with a guard, momentarily without the comfort of being by a friend their age. Unfortunately for Harry, that boy is him. When it is his turn to check his luggage, the guard insists he goes first. The lady asks him all sorts of questions like she is interrogating him. Regardless of how nervous he is, he gets through it and eventually loads his bag on the conveyer belt before standing back and letting the security guard go.

"Hey Curly," Louis suddenly says in Harry's ear, causing the younger boy to flinch.

"You scared me," Harry frowns.

"Sorry. I know you've never flown before, so I just wanna let you know how it's gonna go," Louis starts as the group starts walking to their terminal. "The flight attendant is gonna tell us how to survive in the event of a crash, which is actually false. They just don't want you suing if you survive the crash."

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