Light In The Dark

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Summary: Harry can't quite place it, but something about being in Brazil makes him want to try new things. With Louis. In bed.

Request from LupinLunaLovegood I hope this is fluffy enough 🙈

Y'all I just realized I'm the same age as (2014) Brazil Harry 😳😳


One Direction's time in Brazil has been nothing short of magical. Not only have the crowds been electric and more enthusiastic than ever, but the boys have gotten to explore the country during their time off, which they rarely get to do.

Louis, Harry, Zayn, and a few bodyguards have stumbled into one of the various clubs open for late-night entertainment. Very quickly do they realize that the club is nothing like a normal one. This one has burlesque dancers and other risqué adult performances.

Louis knows Harry adores the art of burlesque, so he watches with a fond smile as Harry cheers on the dancers, even tipping one woman handsomely at the end of her performance. The atmosphere is carefree and feels safe and secluded from the rest of the world, and the boys are running off of a combination of alcohol and adrenaline.

A new, more mature tone is set as the night wears on and a new segment begins--one that is defined by leather, lust, and kinks.

The first performance involves a man on a black leash being walked like a dog by a man who is wearing leather chaps and not much else. Louis soon notices Harry float closer to him; he isn't sure if Harry even realizes this.

The performer trots around the perimeter of the stage, shaking his bum and getting tips tucked into his collar and underwear.

"What'd you think?" Louis wonders, hooking his arm around Harry's waist; Harry's wide eyes are still glued to the stage.

"Good," Harry says after a minute, then clears his throat. "It was good. Yeah." He sounds dazed, which makes Louis laugh and pat the soft skin of the boy's hip.

"Thought so," he hums, satisfied. He turns his attention to the stage as a different pair of performers come out. The only thing on stage is a metal chair, and Louis feels goosebumps tingle down his back as an almost naked man sits on the cool surface.

An auburn haired woman enters the scene, wearing an emerald lace lingerie set complete with a bra, panties, and a garter connected to thigh-high stockings. She titillates the crowd before expertly pulling a bundle of rope from seemingly out of nowhere. The crowd grows more excited as they watch her bring the seated man's hands behind the back of the chair and exaggeratedly tie them together. The man struggles, trying to get out of the bindings, while the woman smirks.

Next to Louis, Harry's breath hitches in his throat when the woman straddles the man's thighs and ties a black blindfold around his eyes. Louis quickly glances at his boyfriend, who is now biting his lip and breathing quite rapidly; he must be turned on.

The lingerie-clad performer completes the bindings by securing a ball gag around the man's head, taking away his ability to talk. She begins teasing him, giving him a lap dance and marking him up with her nails. Tips are thrown on stage while the crowd goes crazy, the man struggles under the woman's spell, and the powerful woman makes everything look effortless.

"I want you to do that to me," Harry leans in and whispers in Louis' ear. Louis' entertained smile fades halfway before freezing on his face as he registers what Harry has just said.

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