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Summary: Harry gets COVID and Louis takes care of him.

Request from Happy_Days132 :)


When COVID-19 first started spreading around the world, Louis and Harry immediately flew to their LA home to quarantine together. However, as time went on and cases slowly began to dwindle, the boys found themselves being more relaxed with the rules. They started seeing their friends more, though they stayed outside and remained socially distanced. They also stopped wearing their masks when going through drive thrus or answering their door for delivery. Everything seemed to be okay and the boys felt fine, until a week after the couple met up with Lottie and a few other family members for her birthday.

"Morning," Louis says, glancing away from the television to momentarily give his boyfriend attention.

"Morning," Harry yawns as he ties the cloth belt on his lilac robe. "Is there coffee?"

"Yeah, there's espresso on the stove. Does your head still hurt?" Louis asks. Harry grabs an espresso cup from the cupboard and pours steaming espresso into it before replying.

"Little bit. Did you put the heat on?" He wonders. He makes his way to the couch, then sits next to Louis.

"No. Do you want me to get you an aspirin?" Louis reaches over and feels Harry's forehead, but retracts his hand when he feels hot. "Drink the coffee," he quickly says.

"Um, okay?" Harry gives Louis a weird look, then takes a sip. He feels the hot espresso on his tongue, but freezes when he can't taste it. He swallows his sip, then smells his espresso. When he realizes he can't smell it either, he sets his glass on the coffee table and darts around the first floor smelling candles, soap, food in the refrigerator, and even Louis' hair. "I can't smell or taste anything," Harry breathlessly says, "and my head has been hurting and I'm hot. Louis..." He looks pale and scared as he leans against the kitchen counter. Louis grabs his and Harry's espresso glasses and sets them in the sink. When he approaches Harry, Harry backs away from him.

"Babe, if you have it, I probably do too. We've been together this whole time," Louis says with an absurd amount of calm in his voice.

"Then why don't you have symptoms?" Harry wonders.

"I don't know. I'm probably asymptomatic," he shrugs.

"Why are you so casual about this? People have died from COVID!" Harry shouts.

"Love, just try and calm down." Louis slowly walks towards Harry, and he takes a step back. They continue like this until Harry hits the refrigerator. Louis keeps pursuing him, then shushes him as he rests his hands on his hips. "You're alright, yeah. It's okay," he shushes him. "We can go get tested. You probably got it at Lottie's birthday dinner. If we test positive, we can call everyone at the dinner and let them know. Okay?"

"Yeah, sure," Harry sighs. He and Louis then get dressed and drive to their local health department. They sit through the short, but rather unpleasant, test, then drive home and patiently await their results.


3 days later
Louis and Harry get their results early in the morning; they have both tested positive for COVID-19. Louis is somewhat glad that he has the virus too, because that means he can take care of Harry without having to worry about getting the virus. Immediately after they get their results, the couple contacts Lottie and everyone at her small birthday party to tell them the news, and that they should probably quarantine and get tested.

"Louis, can you put the AC on?" Harry asks from their bed. It is almost 11:00, a time where Harry still being in bed is uncharacteristic. However, Harry lets it slide due to the fact that he feels horrible.

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