Painted Nails Make Harry Beautiful

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Summary: Louis convinces Harry to let him paint his nails.

Sooo Harry's pink stairs and disco ball in his house? ^^

Second one from da vault 😝


Louis had always admired Harry for being himself. Harry started as a little 16 year old boy who was unsure of who he was, then transformed into a beautiful 20 year old man who was bigger than Louis. However, nevermind the fact that Harry had started growing his hair out, wearing blouses that he barely buttoned, or even the fact that he had started wearing lace panties on occasion. There was still one thing that bothered Louis: Harry was afraid to paint his nails.

Louis never understood it; Harry acted as if painting his nails would be the downfall of his masculinity. Each time Louis suggested that Harry paint his nails, which was quite often, Harry bit his lip and tried to hold back words. He simply shook his head and said a small "no" before changing the subject. Louis knew it bothered Harry. That's why he asked him almost every day.


"Hey, Hazza." Louis ruffles Harry's hair as he plops down next to him on the couch, then throws his legs over the younger boy's thighs. Harry doesn't look away from the television, but he grabs Louis' hand and gently runs his thumb across his boyfriend's smooth skin to acknowledge him. "You know, we have the weekend off."

"We do. That's why I'm watching TV," Harry sarcastically replies as he lays his head on Louis' bare shoulder.

"Are you doing anything today?" Louis wonders.

"Don't think so. Why?" Harry yawns. He looks up at Louis when he doesn't answer and sees that he has a small smile on his face. Harry can't help but smile at how cute Louis is. "What?"

"I might have an idea. Do you wanna do my idea?" Louis' smile grows when he looks at Harry, who has a suspicious expression.

"Do I wanna know what your idea is?" Harry squints his eyes at Louis, the television show he was previously invested in now seeming insignificant.

Without answering Harry, Louis gets up and jogs to the bathroom. When he returns, he is holding a small, pink cosmetic bag. He sits back on the couch facing Harry with the bag in his lap, not saying a word.

"You're not doing my makeup again. Where did you even get that?"

"It's not makeup, and I borrowed it from Daisy and Phoebe," Louis clarifies. He giggles when he sees that Harry is still confused. Louis quietly sets the bag between them and Harry slowly extends his hand to it. He looks at Louis for a moment before unzipping it.

"Louis, no," Harry quickly closes the bag and practically throws it at Louis. He then sighs and turns back to the television, folding his arms in front of his chest.

"Harry, why not," Louis whines. Harry simply shakes his head, still looking at the television. "You've never even given me a reason as to why not," Louis grumbles as he turns towards the television, sitting a few feet away from Harry.

"Because I don't want to look gay!" Harry exclaims, turning towards Louis with hurt evident in his eyes. "People already say shit about me, I don't need them harassing me over wearing nail polish." Tears play at Harry's eyes and he looks down to his lap.

"Oh, darling, I'm so sorry." Louis pulls Harry into a hug, burying his head in his neck and squeezing him tightly.

Harry isn't specifically gay; he has always said he loves who he loves, no matter their gender. He would never publicly say that, however; only his close friends and family know that, and only they know that he and Louis are in a relationship.

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