Rescue Me

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Summary: Harry finds a shocking item in his home while cleaning and freaks out.

Content Warning
Suicide stuff

*Very loosely based on a true story*


Cleaning has never been Harry's favorite domestic activity. If he was given a choice, he would rather cook, go shopping for new furniture, or even dust; dusting is the only cleaning he doesn't mind. However, between him and Louis, Harry trusts himself more to clean the house and make sure the job is done properly and thoroughly.

"It's cleaning daaay," Harry sings. He already has old clothing on, and he is holding his bucket of cleaning supplies by the handle.

"Have fun!" Louis optimistically says, since he doesn't have to do any of the work.

"Hey mister, you're not getting out of here without doing anything." Harry sets the bucket down and approaches Louis, then rests his hands on his hips. "You remember what you're doing?"

"I'm going to the bank," Louis sighs.

"Yes you are," Harry hums before kissing Louis. "And what are you doing after that?"

"Ordering groceries," Louis groans, almost like a child who was just told to clean his room.

"That's right. You're so sexy when you talk all domestic," Harry scrunches his nose and smiles, then kisses Louis again before grabbing the cleaning bucket.

"Remember that when you say you're too tired to have sex later, yeah? I'll just say I got a two for one deal on the yogurt and your pants will be off," Louis smirks, now halfway out the door.

"As if, Louis!" Harry laughs. "See you later, babe."

"Bye honey." Louis blows Harry a kiss before closing the door behind him. Harry smiles to himself as he gets to work, starting on the main floor. The kitchen hardly needs cleaning, since Harry makes sure he cleans up after himself (and Louis) after he cooks or eats. The living room and the home office take a bit more time, since they need to be dusted and the windows need to be cleaned and things are slightly out of order.

Harry stops to take a break about an hour and a half into cleaning, just as he finishes cleaning the main floor. He thinks about mopping, but ultimately decides against it because he can get Louis to do it another day if he asks nicely enough; mopping is the only cleaning Louis doesn't mind doing. He sips on a glass of ice water as he looks over the spotless main floor. The only cleaning he has to do upstairs is vacuum, dust the spare rooms, clean the master bedroom, and clean the master bathroom. Before be gets back to work, he sends Louis a quick text.

Sunshine: Make sure the almond milk is sweetened and vanilla flavour!! xxxx

With that, he finishes off his water and marches upstairs, ready to tackle the next few cleaning tasks.


Louis sits inside a coffee shop, ordering groceries online using the handwritten list Harry gave him yesterday. He almost feels bad that Harry is cleaning practically the entire house while he gets to sit and drink coffee. However, he did stand in the long bank line for an hour just to spend ten minutes with a teller.

Louis reminds himself that Harry told him what needs to be done, and he is doing it. Before heading home, he orders a tea and a slice of banana bread for Harry.

As Louis pulls out of his parking space and starts for home, his phone dings. He passively glances at it, but the notification makes his heart jump and causes him to pull right back into his parking spot.

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