3. 🐳

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"I was wondering if you would like to grab some beer tonight." Hoseok questioned. Seokjin shook his head as he continued packing his stuff inside his bag.

He was thinking about Jisoo and why she didn't answer his calls today. Everything seemed fine. He dropped her off at home, went to his own, called her after two hours and no answer. He kept calling her every hour because he was worried if everything was okay, considering her unhealthy relationship with her family.

Seokjin eventually gave up because, if anything bad happened, he would know. Her friends would call him and inform him the same second.
"I'm sorry but I'll stay here to do a few running laps."

Hoseok raised his eyebrows. "Running? You run only when you feel down or nervous. What happened?"

Seokjin kept silent. He was well aware of how much no one liked his girlfriend because of her bitchy behavior and bad mouth. But he loved her. He was so in love with her that he literally saw her as his wife. They've been together for two years anyway. The most popular girl usually goes with most popular guy. That was their case.

"If it's Jisoo, you are sweating your brain for nothing. She is probably doing some guy right now." Hoseok snorted and picked up his bag. "But anyways, see you tomorrow. If you do, in fact, change your mind, you have my number."

Seokjin watched him leave down the hall and let out a long sigh. He didn't want to believe in their words. Hoseok was not the only one who said she was a big cheater. Everyone did. But Seokjin didn't want to believe them.

He created a perfect illusion inside his head that no one could break through. At least that's what he thought. Seokjin knew they were probably right due to her not answering his calls, refusing to even kiss him sometimes but he just couldn't bring himself to believe into it.

Running indeed was the best option for him to get rid of escesive stress and nervousness. The weather was cold but he was warmed up from the previous football training with Hoseok and the rest of the team members.

Arguing with Hoseok was a pointless decision. He could not possibly digest even her existence. There was once a situation in which Hoseok told him he regretted ever setting him up with her.

After finishing his running, Seokjin made his way to school's shower room to wash all the sweat soaking his skin and clothes. After zipping up his bag once again, he put the towel around his neck and slowly walked down the hall.

There were noises coming outside the shower room and Seokjin stopped at the door to check if he can hear anything. Screams were emitting from the other side of the door and Seokjin's heart rate increased a bit, thinking someone was probably beating someone since it was no news in their school.

Yes, he expected to see some poor human down on the floor covered in blood but what he sure didn't expect was to see his girlfriend, pushed up against the wall with legs spread apart and another dude right in between her thighs, fucking her ruthlessly.

"What the fuck is going on here?" Seokjin asked, too shocked to process what was happening.

They stopped what they were doing and turned to look at the person asking the question. Jisoo's eyes immediately went wide and she pushed the guy off her. "Seokjin, baby! It's not what it looks like, I promise!"

Seokjin snorted. "Oh yeah? You must be playing cards while being naked and having the other dude's dick inside of you. And you, Jackson. I thought we were friends."

"Don't blame me. She insisted." Jackson laughed.

Seokjin was furious. His whole world was crashing right in front of his eyes. The girl he loved and wanted to marry one day, fucking another dude, even worse, his close friend.

"Don't ever talk to me again." With that, Seokjin left, completely ignoring Jisoo's desperate calls and pleadings.

His feelings were mixed. He was hurt, angry, furious, sad and confused at the same time. He could not believe everyone was telling him the truth whole the time. It made him wonder for how long all of this was going on.

Seokjin just wanted to go home.


"I knew you were going to come." Hoseok greeted Seokjin at the table he was sitting at with Taehyung. Seokjin nodded and sat down, not saying a word, making Hoseok and Taehyung look at each other.

Raising his hand, Hoseok ordered another bottle of beer for Seokjin. Then he leaned himself onto the table with his elbows and spoke to him. "What's going on? You look like you're about to kill someone. Even veins popped up on your forehead."

Seokjin sighed. Telling Hoseok what he had seen will only make Hoseok snap at him for being right all the time. But at the same time, he had to tell someone. Hoseok and Taehyung were his best friends since young age. Who would understand him better than them?

"Jisoo is cheating on me."

"Oh, but, what made you change your mind so suddenly?"

"Saw her fucking with Jackson in the shower room."

Hoseok narrowed his eyebrows. Taehyung was there but he decided not to interrupt their conversation. He wasn't interested in relationships or their problems anyway. He kept suckling onto his straw and looking around the cafe.

"Jackson? Seriously? I would have never thought."

"Well, I saw them with my own eyes. The sight was very... Intimidating."

Now Hoseok sighed. "Look, Seokjin, the reason why I kept bugging you because of her was for exactly this not to happen. I don't give a single fuck about her, but I do care about my best friend."

Seokjin didn't know how to answer to that. He was still under the impression of what happened not awhile ago. "After everything I've done, she did that to me."

"You know what? I've got the idea." Hoseok said.

Seokjin looked at him. He didn't say anything since the bartender walked to their table and placed the beer in front of Seokjin. With a polite smile he walked away and Hoseok cleared his throat. "Knowing Jisoo, she will do everything in her power to get you back. I never looked at you that way but she is a hoe for your money. Sucks being one of the richest students. But, if you get yourself a new person, it will drive her crazy."

Seokjin's eyes went wide. "What? Another relationship? No way!"

"Shut the hell up! It doesn't have to be a real relationship, but a fake one. Just to get back at her, what do you think?"

Seokjin was shocked. To get in a fake relationship just to make Jisoo mad? Suddenly, it seemed like a great idea to him. Yes, he wouldn't have to do anything, just act. "Yes but, who the hell would accept that?"

"I have just the right person for that." Hoseok smirked and looked at Taehyung. After a few seconds, Taehyung seemed to realize about who he was talking about and his eyes almost fell out of their sockets. "No, Hoseok. You can't do that. Seokjin, no." Seokjin was confused.

"Kim Namjoon."


Ahhhhh I'm so excited for this you don't KNOOOOOW

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