32. 🐳

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Namjoon was sitting in the corner, at the table, watching the rest of the students eating and talking among each other. Hoseok and Taehyung were sitting opposite of him, both eating their food and pointing out how the others were dressed, shamelessly judging their appearances.

"I just can't get it. This girl has money and she came to the prom in brown dress that looks like it had been stolen from the trash bin." Taehyung said.

Hoseok tilted his head to look at her and started laughing. A small piece of food escaped his mouth and landed into his plate which made Taehyung start laughing too. Hoseok took a napkin and wiped his mouth before clearing his throat and becoming serious.

"What? I'm serious. She didn't even do her hair. What is that? Did she go to the war?" Taehyung asked through his laugh.

"You two are being too loud. I won't be saving your asses if someone hears you." Seokjin said and sat down on the chair beside Namjoon. He smiled at him and fixed his blonde hair, pushing the hair out of his forehead as it should be. "How about you? Are you having fun?"

"I don't know." Namjoon said. He had never been to such a crowded, luxury place so he didn't even know how to behave. He was too shy to dance, he didn't drink alcohol and he sure didn't want to talk bad about someone.

"Relax, Joon. This happens once in a lifetime." Hoseok said and winked at him.

"Yes, and you look way too wonderful tonight." Taehyung added.

"Seriously, I never expected to see you blonde. And that turtle neck looks way too great with your suit. Did Seokjin choose this one?" Hoseok asked.

"Yes. I'm not so experienced in choosing the right clothes so i let Seokjin do it instead of me." Namjoon said.

"If I met you under any other circumstances, I'd definitely ask you out." Taehyung said and pursed his lips. "That friend of yours really is a dick."

"Hey, can you stop flirting with my boyfriend?" Seokjin snapped.

Namjoon placed his hand onto Seokjin's and turned his body to him. "Please don't be angry at them. They are just being nice."

"I know." Seokjin chuckled. "I just love joking them." He said. Namjoon sighed softly and was about to turn away but Seokjin's lips already found their way onto his right cheek. Namjoon squeaked and covered his mouth, trying not to act like a little kid that just got his favorite toy. Seokjin found it absolutely adorable and kissed him once again, not letting go of his hand even for a second.

"Look, I know you two are in a relationship but that doesn't give you the right to remind me how single I am." Taehyung yelled over the table.

"We can be together, you know." Hoseok said.

Taehyung choked onto his food and coughed a few times, Hoseok laughing and hitting him on the back in order to help him out.

"What?" Taehyung asked.

"What?" Hoseok asked.

"What what?" Taehyung repeated, too shocked to believe the words that just left his mouth.

"Are you seriously going to reject this piece of meat? Do you know how many people would love to be in your place, asked out by this magnificent and powerful alpha male?" Hoseok asked, pretending to be hurt as he pointed at himself.

Taehyung wanted to act serious but he broke into a laughing fit. Hoseok kept his straight face while he laughed.

"No, I'm serious now." Hoseok said.

Namjoon and Seokjin looked at each other then at them, both confused by sudden aura surrounding them.

Taehyung stopped laughing, staring at him in hope that he was messing up with him but the look on Hoseok's face never changed, except his eye lids half closed due to taking too many shots of vodka, indicating that he was really serious.

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