7. 🐳

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It was a lunch break and Namjoon was walking down the hall while hugging his bag close to his chest. Today he didn't have any money so he decided not to go to the cafeteria. Patting his belly, Namjoon pouted. Well, maybe he will have some nice food at his work place.

"Hey, freak! You might wanna wear a jacket next time!" Jackson shouted loudly, making the rest of his friends, including Jisoo, laugh at him.

Namjoon adjusted his glasses and stared down as he walked by them but was soon stopped by a hand against the wall. Gasping a little, Namjoon tried to escape but another person blocked his way as they stood beside him.

Not knowing what to do, Namjoon lowered his head and closed his eyes. His chin was pushed up by Jackson's elbow. Jisoo was standing next to him and laughing while chewing onto a gum.

"Now, is it polite to ignore people when they talk to you?" Jackson snickered.

Namjoon shook his head.

"Then why do so?"

"I-I'm sorry." Namjoon stuttered. "I-I didn't see you."

"You didn't see me?" Jackson asked. He started laughing loudly before he calmed down and cleared his throat. He raised his hand which made Namjoon flinch a little and Jackson gasped. "Don't be scared. I won't hurt you."

Namjoon, being an innocent little bean, nodded and smiled at him. Jackson's eyebrow twitched up and he aimed at Namjoon's face but instead of a punch, Namjoon felt his eye glasses being taken off his nose. He opened his eyes to barely see Jackson checking them out before grinning at him.

"P-Please give them back. I can't read without my glasses." Namjoon whimpered.

"Jackson, you can't be serious." Jisoo said.

"Watch me." Jackson said, letting the glasses fall down to the floor, making a slight cracking sound.

Namjoon gasped and knelt down, quickly scooping them up into his hands. He felt the tears building up at the corner of his eyes when he saw the glasses being broken into pieces.

"I'm so sorry! My hand slipped! It won't happen again!" Jackson pretended to sound genuinely sorry but couldn't keep his laughs to himself. Jisoo rolled her eyes and hit him on the shoulder. "Come on. I have to eat something today."

The rest of the students stared at him with pity into their eyes but no one wanted to come and help him out. Namjoon was a goner without his glasses. He could see people and objects but he couldn't read without them.

What was he supposed to do now? He didn't have money to buy new glasses. Plus, his mother will only be stressed out after finding out what happened to him. Maybe he should lie and say that he fell and broke them himself.

Namjoon didn't want to be seen crying to he stood up and stormed outside the school building. He ran across the yard untill he arrived at the small school shed where he knew no one would be. He sat down on the bench and hopelessly stared at his broken glasses, not a single idea coming up to his mind how to fix it.

Why would things like these happen to him? Namjoon was a very good boy, always listening to everyone and doing everything he was told to do. He was polite and very kind, always happy to help anyone even if he couldn't help himself.

He was wondering why people hated him. He was wondering why he had to live such a horrible lonely and poor life. He was wondering why his mother had to be ill. He was wondering why his father left. He was wondering if it was because he was a failure.


Of course it was because he was a failure. No matter how hard he tried, he felt as if someone was pulling his power out of him. Both physically and mentally.


Namjoon came back to reality and saw Taehyung kneeling down in front of him and holding him by his shoulders.

"Are you alright?"

"H-How did you know I was here?"

"I saw you running through the school yard so I assumed you were here. I know what happened. Don't worry, Hoseok is currently taking care of that."

"O-Of what?"

"Jackson. He is talking to his father about signing him out of this school."

Namjoon's eyes widened. "N-No! H-He will hurt me! P-Please, I can't -"

"No one is going to hurt you, Joonie. I am here. We are here. We will take care of you. Now, come with me."


"Are you actually serious?"

Seokjin groaned as the two approached his table. Taehyung shot him a death glare and sat with Namjoon by his side. Not to mention all the stares they all got.

"People will call us out."

"I don't care about people." Taehyung said softly and opened up his lunch box. Of course he bought doble chicken nuggets with bacon flavored sauce to share with Namjoon.

"Since when are you friends with him?"

"Seokjin, you ask too many questions. You are actually being rude, don't you think?" Taehyung asked as he squeezed his eyes and kept glaring at him. Seokjin rolled his eyes and turned his head away.

"Was it hard?"

Seokjin looked at Namjoon by the end of his eye. "What exactly?"

Namjoon grinned widely, his pure mind not getting any hints of Seokjin's not so pure question. "Well, memorizing those formulas I gave you! What else would be hard?"

"Many things can be hard, especially your di-"

"Okay, Seokjin, that's enough!" Taehyung shouted. Seokjin raised his eyebrow and watched him with a dead face. Hoseok threw his bag beside the table leg and did the same to himself on the chair. "I couldn't get my father to expel him but he will go under a strict detention. Plus, you will get new glasses by the end of the classes." He said.

"You shouldn't have done that. He is going to hurt me."

"No, he won't. Not as long as we are by your side."

"Speak for yourself, Taehyung. Don't involve me in your charity work," Seokjin spoke in unamused tune, making Hoseok cackle.

"Well, I think you should be involved because your ugly ex girlfriend was also there, watching all of that, laughing at Namjoon. Do I have to repeat it twice?" Hoseok questioned, smirking at Seokjin.

"Are you actually being serious?"

"Deadly serious. Imagine what impact it would have on her."


"Sucks man, it would be a great chance to get her back."

Namjoon didn't know who or what they were talking about so he didn't want to interrupt. Instead, he took one chicken nugget after a lot of convincing from Taehyung and was taking small bites onto it.

He had a bad feeling about the whole situation.
Something was about to happen sooner or later.

"Tonight at seven. Don't be late."

Namjoon looked at Seokjin and pouted. A slight twitch of Seokjin's lips didn't go unnoticed by a certain red haired who kept smirking to himself.

"I won't."



AWWWWW our Joonie! I love him so much sdhdbsbjsjsjsj I love you all!!!!

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