34. 🐳

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Namjoon's head was laying against the window and he watched people and buildings moving in motion around them. Jeongguk kept giving him glances, his anger now turning into concern as he didn't speak ever since they left the school.

Namjoon didn't want to talk. He didn't want to think about anything at this point. He just wanted to get to his home, take off those clothes and bury himself under his blanket. He wanted to sleep. He wanted to sleep and forget about everything that happened tonight.

His heart was aching inside his chest. He was so lost and confused. He felt regret for not letting Seokjin at least give him one explanation about the incident. And he looked like he was really sorry. That's what Namjoon hated the most- he always saw good in everyone, even if they would hurt him.

"Are you alright, Namjoon?" Jeongguk broke the silence.

Namjoon nodded.

Jeongguk sighed. "Look, I know you are heart broken right now and I won't be shooting at you with wise words or how right I was. It happened. You fell in love. He treated you well. You felt love for the first time, but please don't let one Seokjin mess up your whole life. You will find a way better man." he said.

Namjoon hummed in response to which Jeongguk sighed again. He might as well let it settle and just talk to him tomorrow about it. Jeongguk stopped in front of his house and turned to look at him.

"No matter the time, if you need me, just call me." Jeongguk said.

Namjoon nodded and got outside his car. He walked inside his yard and made his way to the house. There was his mother, staring worriedly at him because she knew it was way too early for the prom night to end.

"Joon? Why are you home this early?" She asked.

Namjoon just stood there and stared at her. She blinked a few times in confusion and placed her hand on his cheek.

"You know you can tell your mum anything." She said, giving him a warm smile. Namjoon nodded, still just standing and staring at her.

"Did Seokjin make you feel bad?" She asked, using the kindest and most lovely voice she could.

As if she pulled onto a string, Namjoon broke into a sob. She gasped and quickly hugged her son, wrapping her tiny arms around his body. He hugged her back and buried his face into her shoulder. She didn't question anything. She stood and hugged him, rubbing his back softly as she felt him calming down.

She pulled back and cupped his cheeks. She looked into his eyes, Namjoon avoiding to look back at her's because he didn't want her to look at him while he was an unly, crying mess.

"Tell me, what happened?"

"H-He's leaving." Namjoon whispered.

"What do you mean he is leaving? He is leaving where?" She asked. Namjoon shrugged, not knowing where and why he was going.

"T-They said Japan.. I don't know why." He said.

"Oh honey, I though something bad happened. I thought you were going to say you two broke up. So what if he is leaving? It doesn't mean the two of you should give up on your relationship. If being with him makes you happy, then go for it." She said.

Namjoon looked at her, shocked by her words. But her words kind of made him feel a bit better. "M-Mom, I love you."

"I love you too baby now go and take a warm shower, I will be waiting for you in the living room to eat some sweets." She said and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek before disappearing into the said room.


"But how was the prom in general?" Mr. Kim asked. She was laying on the sofa with a plate of sweet dumplings onto her belly. Namjoon was laying on the same sofa with his head onto her thigh, watching the current music competition that was going on the TV.

"It was not bad." He said.

"Ah, come on. Did something good happened? Tell me about Seokjin." She said.

Namjoon's brain went back to the dance floor moment and he smiled to himself. His mom had made him feel way better than he was feeling an hour ago.

"We danced... In the middle of the hall... Everyone was watching us." He said.

"Oh. My. God." She said excitedly and poked his shoulder. "Why didn't you mention it before. Did you like it?"

"Yes... We were dancing to this very beautiful song called Arcade. And he confessed his love to me." Namjoon said, feeling his cheeks heating up at the mentioned moment.

"Being in love is really beautiful, honey. Although it has it's own risks. He seems like a really good boy to me. But, do you love him back?" She asked.

Namjoon never had this kind of conversation with his mother and it made him feel embarrassed and shy at the same time. He nodded, not trusting his voice and his mother started giggling. He was about to whine from how red and embarrassed he was but a knock on the door cut him off.

They looked at each other, wondering who it might be at this hour. Namjoon assumed it was Jeongguk so he opened the door widely but was surprised to see Seokjin, bowing and holding a tulip out at him inside his hand. He stood like that, not moving, his head hung low and Namjoon found it funny.

He chuckled, his chuckles soon turning into giggles and Seokjin looked up at him, a scared look onto his face before it turned into a smile. He sighed and straightened himself up. Namjoon placed his hand over his mouth to muffle his giggles a bit, looking down.

"I thought you were going to throw bricks at me." Seokjin breathed out.

Namjoon calmed down and sighed, crossing his hands over his chest. He looked at him, not even aware what his stare was doing to Seokjin's heart.

"I'm not that bad of a person." Namjoon said.

"Yes." Seokjin said. They fell into small silence. Seokjin scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, forgetting why he came in the first place. He took a deep breath and came back to his senses. "I want you to know that you make me feel like no one ever did before. Your eyes shine brighter than every star on the sky. Your smile is worth more than the most precious gem on this planet. I can't believe that, you look beautiful even when you're crying. But I don't want you to cry. I want you to be happy forever. Can you forgive me and let me make you the happiest man alive?"

Namjoon's lips were slightly parted. His eyes welled up with tears and he nodded in a second. He was so weak when it came to Seokjin.

Seokjin smiled widely and wasted no time bringing their lips together. He kissed him in a whole different way, both feeling passion, love and lust spreading through their flash. Seokjin placed his hand onto his cheek and kissed him some more, before pulling back and resting his forehead against Namjoon's.

"Don't ever doubt my love."




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