6. 🐳

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When Namjoon arrived at the correct location, his breath seemed to be cut off his lungs as his eyes roamed around the huge villa right in front of him.

It had two floors, the external facade done in small white bricks and a huge grass yard which had grey metallic fence all around it. Something seemed to be behind the villa but Namjoon couldn't see a thing from how big the building was.

He could only dream about living at such a place. But on the other end, Namjoon didn't see that as something someone should be proud of. Happiness is much more valuable. If you aren't happy from the inside, no amount of money can make you happy.

"Yah! This sucks! I can't to this!" Seokjin groaned and threw the notebook away.

Namjoon watched it land a few meters away from them. They were sitting on the fluffy carpet inside the living room, only two of them. Namjoon crossed his legs one over another and adjusted his glasses.

"It's not even been ten minutes and you are already giving up." He said.

Seokjin glared at him then sighed. "I don't know why am I even doing this."

"To get your high marks back in order to finish your school year."

"Mr. Psychologist, since when did you become so wise?" Seokjin asked. Namjoon shrugged and broke the eye contact with Seokjin. His eyes roamed around the formulas and he was poking his bottom lip with his pen.

Seokjin found himself getting a bit lost at the sight in front of him and he quickly shook his head and sucked in a breath.

"How are you not bored of studying so much? Being the smartest dude must be boring."

"Boring? Maybe. But I have to. Shall we try this again? I'll try to make it easier for you." Namjoon said and looked up at him. Seokjin stared at him for a few seconds, internally screaming at himself for feeling so stupid and confused in front of the freak and stood up to get his notebook.

He sat back in front of Namjoon and leaned with his back against the sofa.

"Trigonometry is a very complex topic and needs time to be learnt well. And, will, i guess."

"I have zero will to learn any of that."

"Can you at least try again?" Namjoon was persistent.

Seokjin wanted to tell him to shut the hell up considering how nervous he was but decided to give it a go. He will get Jisoo back with this, he thought. She will fall for him, dump Jackson and fangirl about how smart he was. Yeah. Keep talking.

After what seemed like countless of tries, Seokjin actually started to get it. Namjoon was persistent and positive about the whole stuff, because, he wanted to be a teacher and teaching someone else has made him feel powerful in intelligence.

But Namjoon couldn't believe how different Seokjin was in private than at school. It was as if he became a whole other person.

And Namjoon thought that Seokjin was very cute while he was trying his best to concentrate onto something with his tongue sticking out of his mouth and a few veins popping out here and there onto his forehead.

"Take a picture, it will last longer."

Namjoon blinked. "Excuse me?"

Seokjin sighed and closed his notebook. "I said, take a picture, it will last longer."

Namjoon blushed furiously. "I-I didn't mean to. I-I'm sorry." Namjoon was embarrassed.

Seokjin, on his luck, didn't push it further and stood up from the floor. He walked to the fridge and opened it, searching for anything to eat because his stomach was aching from how hungry he was.

By the corner of his eyes, he saw Namjoon leaning with his palms onto his knees and staring at the floor. He snorted quietly and took a couple of vanilla ice cream cups and two spoons.

He placed one by Namjoon's side and sat down again. He opened his ice cream and started eating it. He almost finished half of it before he swallowed and pointed at the other cup.

"That one is for you. Eat it or else it will melt."

"T-Thank you."

The silence was, to say, awkward. Seokjin looked through the notebook, still memorizing the formulas Namjoon gave him and Namjoon was slowly degustatung the delicious dessert he never ate before. He did eat ice cream but not as tasty as this one.

Seokjin unintentionally looked at Namjoon but his gaze stopped onto Namjoon's lips that were perfectly wrapped around the spoon. His tongue made small kitten licks against the cold surface and Seokjin felt his stomach twisting.

What the actual fuck was he thinking? It's a freak for fucks sake! How could he even think about something like that?

Even worse, they made eye contact and Namjoon's eyes were wide and so innocent it almost made Seokjin groan out loud.

"Look, I don't wanna sound rude- fuck it. It's been an hour and a half and I'm honestly tired of this shit. I don't wanna do this anymore."

"It's alright. I already wrote down a few examples for you to do and you will show them to me the next time we meet."

Seokjin walked him to the front door and waited for Namjoon to put on his shoes.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For ice cream. It was really tasty."


"See you next time, Seokjin." Namjoon said and smiled warmly. Seokjin stared at him with a dead face and said a small bye before shutting the door at his face.


Namjoon grabbed a small rock and threw it at Jeongguk's window. A few seconds later, Jeongguk showed up at the window and opened it up. He smiled widely at him.

"Hyung! What are you doing?"

"Nothing much, just took a bath. Was about to blow dry my hair. How did the class go?" Jeongguk was teasing him.

Namjoon was glad it was night time and he couldn't see him blushing. "It went well."

"Just well?"

Namjoon blushed even more. "He gave me ice cream." He said and placed his hands onto his cheeks as he smiled back at Jeongguk.

Jeongguk stopped smiling suddenly and glared at him. "Namjoon, don't you dare fall in love with that douche or else I will give him a good beating."

"Hyung!" Namjoon whined. "No one is falling in love! It's just, he was way different with me than at school! He was so nice!"

"I was afraid you were gonna say that."

Namjoon pouted and looked down. He wasn't falling in love with anyone. He was just happy to make a new friend and have another person treating him well.

"Look, Namjoon. If you are happy, I am happy too. I just don't want him to hurt you. He is nothing but trouble. Keep your relationship professional."

"I know, hyung. At first, he wanted to give up but I managed to talk him into trying again! And he did! He actually learnt every formula I gave him!"

"Namjoon, you do realize that you sound like a girl telling her best friend about her crush date." Jeongguk said. "Just kidding. Go to sleep, Joonie. We will talk more tomorrow. You have school and it's late."

"Good night, hyung."

"Good night, Joonie."

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