37. 🐳

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"So show me, I'll show you, show you, show you.." Taehyung finished singing. He felt a sudden wave of shyness wash over him. He could never sing in front of anyone so freely so he refused to look at Jeongguk.

He bit his bottom lip to try and hide his smile and he lowered his head, all while playing with the hem of his pink sweatpants. He fumbled the fabric through his fingers.

The silence was thick. He very slowly looked up to find Jeongguk staring at him with his lips parted a bit and he looked like he wasn't present. He looked as if he was out of their space.

Taehyung waved his hand in front of his face and Jeongguk flinched. He frowned and went back to his paper but realized there wasn't any paper onto his desk.

It was when Taehyung saw him smiling for the second time. His teeth perfectly resembled bunny like teeth and his smile was so adorable that Taehyung cooed loudly, no shame at all.

"To be completely honest with you, you've sang it better than i." Jeongguk said.

Taehyung busted an uwu. He rubbed his hands together and felt extremely excited. He admired the way his black curls were hugging his head down to his shoulders and the small piercing onto his eyebrow made him look as stunning as ever.

"Don't say that. I'm sure you sound like no human can ever." Taehyung said. Jeongguk looked at him and raised his eyebrow. Taehyung looked away because he didn't want to seem like a creep, not being able to take his eyes off him.

"What had made you fall for someone like me?" Jeongguk asked.

Taehyung didn't know what to say. First, he didn't expect this kind of question and second, he didn't know himself. It wasn't only his handsome face. His coldness was another thing that had drawn him. He shrugged, making Jeongguk chuckle then sigh.

"Good luck with winning over me. You are way out of my league." Jeongguk said.

Taehyung's smile dropped. He frowned slightly and was about to protest before Jeongguk had cut him off.

"There is no way a gorgeous human being like you would ever waste his time on someone like me. Isn't it?"


"Just kidding. Forget about it."


Jeongguk's phone started ringing. Taehyung kept his mouth shut as he answered the call, seeing his face change from happy to horrified in a second. The other side appeared to talk and Jeongguk was listening to them, nodding and not making any sound.

When he hung up the call, he placed the phone on the desk and stared at his lap top screen.

"Jeongguk? What happened?"


Namjoon was panting. He had been running for ten minutes straight untill he arrived in front of the mansion. He was wondering if Seokjin was home now but there was no other way to find out instead of walking inside.

It might be impolite, walking inside someone's house without telling them you would but Namjoon needed an explanation. He didn't want to believe in that message. He was sure someone was playing with him, or perhaps that someone took his phone and wrote it instead of him but who on earth would do that?

He walked inside the mansion and looked around himself. He noticed that it was silent. It looked like no one had been home recently, even the smell was different. He made his way upstairs to where he knew that Seokjin's bedroom was.

Upon reaching it, he saw that the door was a bit opened so he decided to walk inside but stopped as soon as he heard voices coming from the inside. A female voice. Namjoon was a hundred percent sure he had heard a female voice.

He very silently took a step forward and peeked through the gap, immediately covering his mouth with his hand.

There was Seokjin, laying in his bed on his back, with a girl sitting on top of him in only her bra and panties. And the girl was no one other than Jisoo.

His stomach dropped.

"I've been telling you all this time that you would forget that stupid freak and come back to me. Wasn't I right, Seokjin?" She whispered but loud enough for Namjoon to hear it.

His whole world was crashing right in front of his eyes. His first love, the one who made him feel the impossible, the one who made him feel worthy was taking everything away from him right in front of him.

Namjoon was fighting to breathe. Trying his best not to make any noise, he slowly and carefully made his way downstairs. There he saw a middle aged man, in black suit, now standing at the door and he looked at Namjoon curiously.

Namjoon ignored him and walked by, rushing out of his mansion and out the yard. He didn't even want to look back. He quickened up his pace and endlessly wiped away tears that were rushing down his face, wetting up most of his collar.

His phone started ringing and he quickly looked at it, wondering if he should answer Jeongguk right now. He wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. The phone kept ringing and ringing, making Namjoon slightly irritated.

He didn't want to talk to anyone. He didn't know what he wanted at the moment. He was so angry and disappointed. He was hurt. His heart was aching. He couldn't believe what a fool he was to believe Seokjin would ever actually love someone like him.

He was just a freak to Seokjin. Nothing more.

Namjoon groaned when his phone started ringing again. He looked around and saw that he was already at the central metro station and the rain started pouring out of the sky out of nowhere so he needed to stand under a nearby kiosk.

It was Jeongguk again. He sucked in a breath and answered it, pulling up the most calm voice he could ever think of.

"Yes, hyungie?"

"Namjoon, you need to come to my studio as soon as possible. I don't know where or with who you are but the situation is really serious."

"What happened?"

"It's your mom."

"What about my mom, Jeongguk?"

Namjoon had a very bad feeling about this. He forgot all about Seokjin as he felt his chest tightening by every second passing. The other line had gone silent. He waited for about twenty seconds, that seemed like twenty years to him, tapping his finger against the metallic fence nervously.

"She is in coma and they don't think she will survive."

A loud scream echoed through the place untill a sound of something hitting the ground could be heard.


I'm unconditionally thankful to you guys. This book will end soon, probably in two chapters. I'm going to miss it so much but it will have a second book so don't worry.

Sorry for any typos!

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