21. 🐳

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Namjoon was very happy today because today was an exception. He was going on a date with Seokjin and he couldn't hide how excited he was. Yoongi and Jimin were standing by the counter and shocked to see how smiley and giggly Namjoon acted around customers that they actually laughed along with him. They didn't want to ask anything. Watching him so happy was enough.

And Namjoon didn't even try to hide his excitement. He decided to wear clothes Taehyung gave him because they were literally clean. He wore them only for a bit and he wasn't sweaty or anything. And they smelt wonderful.
Gasps could be heard when he walked outside the staff room and he looked at them shyly.

"Namjoon? Since when are you wearing such revealing clothes?" Jimin asked, his eyes trailing to his legs.

Namjoon gulped but Yoongi placed a hand onto his shoulder and pulled him back a little. "Let the kid enjoy. You didn't wear anything less revealing when we were dating." He teased. Jimin hit him on his chest gently.

Namjoon looked at the door, his face turning into a full on smiling mode when he saw Seokjin's car parking on the sidewalk. He grabbed his bag and aimed at the door. "I will see you tomorrow!" He said and waved at them.

"That kid has been coming quite a lot. I wonder if they are dating or something." Yoongi said to Jimin. Jimin shrugged and walked away, leaving Yoongi alone to watch the two greeting each other outside the restaurant.

"What's up with that style?"

Namjoon looked at himself and suddenly felt very embarrassed. He was showing his skin to him and it made him feel somehow dirty and shy. And Seokjin didn't seem to realize that he wasn't taking his eyes off his exposed legs.

"I-I wanted to be cute for you." Namjoon stuttered, almost squealing in shyness. "Where are you taking me?"

It took a few seconds for Seokjin to get a hold of himself. He looked at him as if he didn't hear his question. "Oh," he said, chuckling after. "Right. Let's go inside the car. We should hurry since it's still day light outside."

Namjoon didn't quite understand what he was trying to say but he obligated. He jumped inside his red range rover and buckled himself in, his feet dangling back and forth from the excitement. Seokjin also got inside and looked at him.

Namjoon hummed as he pulled his chin up, looking back at him. He smiled, his dimples attacking Seokjin's heart like a tornado. Seokjin spent no time staring at him and started the engine.

"Where are we going?" Namjoon asked.

"I wanted to try something out. I hope you will like it." Seokjin said.

They were driving in silence. But it wasn't uncomfortable one. Namjoon leaned against the window with his hand onto his cheek and he watched beautiful landscape their state had. The sun was about to go down to it's sleeping place, showering the blue sky with its orange and yellow patterns. Namjoon found them beautiful.

He loved sunsets. He would watch them every day. There was just something so calm about them and Namjoon could watch them forever.


"I know. They are amazing." Namjoon said softly, his eyes sparkly.

"I'm talking about you, silly."

Namjoon blushed. He refused to turn his head and look at him. He caught him by surprise. He had never heard such a thing from Seokjin before so he didn't know what to do.

Seokjin parked his car at the not so high cliff, but high enough to see Seoul's lights from above. Only then Namjoon realized they left the city. Seokjin turned off the engine and unbuckled himself then spoke. "Let's get out now."

𝑨𝑹𝑪𝑨𝑫𝑬 / 𝑵𝒂𝒎𝒋𝒊𝒏 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now