18. 🐳

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Namjoon had never been to a party so he didn't know exactly what a party would be. But he was excited. What Taehyung actually meant was to treat Namjoon a big dinner and spend time with him. He actually asked Namjoon's boss if he could have half an hour to himself to eat with them.

Yoongi was surprised and happy to see so many people hanging out with Namjoon so he let him take a break without a sweat. It was his first day after his injury after all. Namjoon needed to be protected.

They were sitting at the last table in the restaurant with Taehyung and Namjoon on one side and Hoseok and Seokjin in front of them. The two were lost into their sports conversation so Namjoon looked at Taehyung and smiled at him.

Taehyung had just put a spoon full of chicken noodle soup into his mouth and raised his eyebrows. "Hmph?"

"Nothing!" Namjoon said. He was so happy how they ended up being friends. No one usually paid attention to his existence and it was an honor having so many people around him. But little did he know how lucky they were to have him.

"I always wanted to approach you but I don't know why I resisted. It wasn't because of you, really, I was just scared I would be rejected because I'm not good with handling people." Taehyung admitted. Namjoon frowned.

"Really? You've been a very good friend to me." Namjoon said. He could notice a small blush creeping up Taehyung's cheeks and he chuckled. "You are so cute, you know. I feel like you are the brother I never had."

Taehyung was now full on blushing mode and he pinched Namjoon's shoulder. "Stop complimenting me so much. Are you a hundred percent going tomorrow?"

"I guess. I don't know. Can I go with you?"

"I thought we already were going with each other."

Namjoon nodded. He wrapped his tiny hands around the bowl and took a sip of ramen soup, not believing how tasty it was. He wished his mother was here to try it too but he would definitely bring home some.

"Who on earth is that guy?!" Namjoon looked at Taehyung who's eyes were the widest things in the world and looked in the direction where he was glaring at. A huge grin appeared onto his face and he put the bowl on the table at the absurd speed and stood up, making his way to the person who just walked in.

"Jeonggukie?" Namjoon wrapped his arms around him tightly and giggled. "What are you doing here? Yoongi is here too!" He whisper yelled.

"It was six years ago. He shouldn't be bothered by it now."

"Just because it was six years ago doesn't mean I forgot anything." Yoongi's voice came from in front of them. Namjoon turned his head around to look at him and pouted. "Don't be mad at Ggukie, he is the sweetest person you can know."

Jeongguk chuckled and ruffled the tip of Namjoon's curly hair. "To answer your question, I was searching for you. First of all, why didn't you rest today when it is your last day off and second, why didn't you tell me about it?"

"Searching for me? For what? Hyung, I didn't want to tell you because I knew you would stop me. I couldn't stay at home any more." Namjoon whined a little, causing another chuckle to erupt from Jeongguk's mouth.

"I wanted to inform you that I've bought my own studio." Jeongguk said proudly.

"What? Really?" Namjoon's lips parted in awe. He knew how long Jeongguk was talking about it but he didn't want his own father's money to buy it with. He wanted to do it on his own. Namjoon was so proud. He even forgot about the other three, well, Seokjin and Taehyung who were glaring at them and Hoseok who was tapping onto his phone.

"Yes. I would love you to see it. You would love to make music one day, am I correct?" Jeongguk asked. Namjoon nodded rapidly and pulled away from him. It was when he remembered and turned around to look at the group.

"Him again." Jeongguk mumbled. Namjoon looked back at him then down. "Please Hyung, don't be so hard on him."

Jeongguk sighed. "Okay, Joonie. I'll be heading home now. I'll see you tomorrow or tonight, I'm home so you can find me whenever you want to." He said and tapped his head again before slowly making his way outside the restaurant.

Namjoon stood there for a few more seconds and looked at Yoongi with apologetic look into his eyes and Yoongi laughed. Namjoon smiled widely and went back to his seat. He felt uncomfortable from how much Taehyung was glaring at him.



"Spil what?"

"Name, surname, age, address, sexuality, stuff he loves, taken or single-"

"Do you want a number of his shoes too?" Hoseok interrupted. Taehyung kicked him from underneath the table and paid his attention back to Namjoon.

"His name is Jeongguk. He is my hyung. I've known him ever since I was little. He actually lives in the house next to mine. His father owns the Big Hit Corporation, you probably heard of it."

"Really? My elder brother works there as a photographer. Didn't know they were the owners." Taehyung said, surprised.

"He is twenty four. Um-" Namjoon put a finger onto his chin and pouted. "I think he likes guys. I'm not sure. Never wanted to put my nose into his love life but I'm sure he is single. It's just that, he isn't interested in dating at all."

"We will see about that." Taehyung said and wrapped his lips around his straw and took a sip of his juice. Namjoon chuckled. "I'm telling you. You can try, of course, but Jeonggukie-"

"Can we stop talking about that dude?" Seokjin snapped. Namjoon looked at him in confusion then looked down at his ramen. He gulped and took his chopsticks before digging in. He wasn't used to it because it had been a long time since Seokjin would snap or raise his voice at him.

"Dear lord, it's not like he is the most important thing in this world, damn it!"

"What's wrong with you?" Hoseok breathed out through his laugh.

"What's wrong with me? Why? Nothing is wrong with me! Let's eat this up so I can go home, I need to rest before tomorrow night." Seokjin had the final word. They kept silent and eating their food, with Namjoon stealing a few glances at him, blushing every time Seokjin would look back.



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