28. 🐳

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"What do you think they are doing now?" Namjoon's mom questioned as she finished digging in the last hole in the ground.

"He is probably enjoying the sea and it's beauty. I'm very happy that he actually went there." Jeongguk said and grinned. He was helping her out in her garden. Like I've mentioned, flowers were her biggest passion and she wanted to have a cute garden since the summer occurred. She loved colors and Jeongguk couldn't say no to her.

Mrs. Kim looked at him for a few seconds and sighed. "Your parents must be very proud to have you, Jeongguk. First, I want to thank you for helping me with this instead of studying. Second, if it wasn't for you, Namjoon wouldn't even go there with his friends."

Jeongguk stopped burying the yellow tulip and stared at it. He smiled soon and shook his head then continued doing his job.

"What?" Mrs. Kim asked and chuckled. "Are you actually being shy with me?"

"No, mom. It's just... I did it because I want Namjoon to be happy. And you even got the chance to plant all of these tulips." he said, looking around themselves at all the plants surrounding them.

She laughed softly. "Too bad I'm going to die young."

Spatula fell from Jeongguk's hand and he glared at her. She saw the way he was glaring at her and blinked. She was confused.

"Don't you dare say that again. Namjoon needs you. I need you. We all need you. You are not going to die any time soon." He said, almost through his teeth.

"Oh," she laughed and placed her hand onto his shoulder. "Jeongguk, I really love you and your spirit. Please promise me you will never not take care of my baby when I'm gone."

"I'm not going to promise that because it won't happen. Now, let's finish this up."

"Running away is not an option, you know. I'm well aware of my well being and how further the illness is going. It's just that I don't want to make Namjoon worried." She said.

"Of course, but giving up also isn't an option."

"It's not even about giving up anymore." She said. She took the tulip inside her hand and started petting it gently over the petals.

"What do you mean?"

"Let's finish up these, okay?"

Jeongguk frowned at the sudden change of topic but he didn't want to push it. He didn't love hearing negative words coming out her mouth because he loved her as much as he loved his own mother.

"He will be coming home soon, anyways. I can't wait to hear about everything he went through. But that Seokjin boy seems suspicious. Are they together?"

Truth be told, Jeongguk couldn't bring himself to believe he actually liked Namjoon back but if his Namjoon was happy, then he was too. But he would sure break his spine if he hurts him.

"I don't know, honestly."

"Ah, come on! I'm not blind! I saw them kissing a couple of nights ago." She whispered, even though no one was around to hear. Jeongguk snorted. "Really? I wouldn't love to see that. It would be awkward." He said. Mrs. Kim chuckled but her eyes widened suddenly and she choked.

Jeongguk threw away the gardening kit and rushed to her side, kneeling down as he placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Mom, what's wrong?"

She shook her head and let out a sigh. "It's just my spine. I guess I've reached my daily limit." She breathed out and started rubbing her lower back with his hand. "I should lay down for a bit."

Jeongguk nodded and helped her get up. He would do anything for her. He held her hand as they walked inside the house and she immediately reached for the couch. Jeongguk already knew her medicine dose and made sure to give her the pills, frowning when he saw she was short on it.


"Oh, don't worry about it. I'll buy more tomorrow." She said and smiled.

"Mom, how can you act so cool about it? You can't be left without medication. Wait here. I will be going out to buy some. It's not that late yet."


"Might as well buy something for us to eat. Something sweet. What do you say?" He grinned.

She sighed because it was pointless to argue with him. She nodded and he made a happy noise before running out the house with an empty bottle of pain killers inside his hand.


"Are you guys sure you can't go?" Taehyung asked, sounding pretty disappointed as he stared at Seokjin's and Namjoon's bed while standing at the door with arms crossed and a bag over his shoulder. "It's been two days almost. He should be feeling better now."

"I am feeling better, I just don't want to risk. I'm still nauseous." Namjoon said.

Hoseok pulled him by his elbow and groaned. "Namjoon is not feeling well. Let them chill here, it's not like we are going alone."

"I know but it's sad he won't be able to see it too!" Taehyung pouted. "At least I hope you two have some good fun while we are gone." he said and walked outside the room, making Namjoon blush.

Seokjin was already downstairs, talking to Rose and waiting for the others to say goodbye. Rose decided to go with them, leaving them with keys to lock the Cafe before going upstairs.

"We won't be coming back for at least two hours. Are you sure you will be alright on your own?" Rose asked, obviously worried.

Taehyung started dragging her out with him, not before saying "They will be more than alright." Hoseok started laughing and patted Seokjin on the back before walking out too. Once they took their bags, they waved their goodbye and started making their way to the destination.

When Seokjin went upstairs, Namjoon was sitting on the bed with his legs crossed and hands onto his knees. He smiled shyly at him. Seokjin sucked in a breath and started taking off his t-shirt.

"Are you ready?"



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