27. 🐳

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"Spill the tea."

Taehyung was standing in front of them with his arms crossed over his chest. Hoseok was confused because he didn't know what was going on. He had too many drinks last night and his head was killing him.

"Spill what?" Seokjin asked.

Taehyung rolled his eyes. "You kissed Namjoon in front of me last night. Remember?"

Hoseok, who took a sip onto his sparkling water, spilled everything out on himself and the table. Taehyung whined when some got onto his forearm. He choked a few times and looked at Seokjin. "What the fuck?"

"Can you please stop yelling? Namjoon is sleeping up there." Seokjin said. "Yes, we really started dating recently. That night when I went to talk to him, I asked him out on a date. Ever since, we've been together." He explained.

Hoseok started laughing into his face. Seokjin frowned and wanted to hit him so bad. He slammed his hand against the table a few times untill he calmed down. "O-Oh my god, you must be kidding with me. Weren't you the one saying you would never be with a freak?"

"Shut your stupid mouth." Seokjin snapped. Hoseok started laughing again but he ignored him and looked back at Taehyung who was staring at him with the same expression ever since he woke up.

"Is this another one of your jokes or what?" He asked.

"I don't get your point."

"Is this a joke or do you actually like him back? You know, playing with his emotions is not good for him."

"I'm not playing with anyone's emotions. I like him back."

Hoseok stopped laughing and shared a wide eyed look with Taehyung. Seokjin rolled his eyes because he sometimes hated his friends. "Well, the main reason why I wanted to do this in the first place was for you to have some alone time to actually do something but seems like you already did." Taehyung said.

"Which reminds me, you really have to tell him about your father." Hoseok said.

Seokjin sighed. "I will after the prom night. I don't want to ruin it for him."

"Good morning, everyone. Why are you awake so early?" Rose asked and yawned soon after. She walked to the counter and grabbed a bag of instant coffee and a mug.

"When you wake up at six every morning for four years, it becomes a habit." Taehyung said.

Rose chuckled and started making coffee. "Does anyone want?" She asked. All of them shook their heads and she shrugged and went on to make one for herself. "Are you going to the island?"

"What island?"

"You didn't hear? I thought you already knew. There is this island a few kilometers away. It's a twenty minute walk but they say it's magical." She said.

"Really?" Taehyung's eyes lit up. "How is that?"

"I don't know, they say if you make a wish a leave something onto it, your wish will come true." Rose explained.

Taehyung gave Hoseok a puppy look. Hoseok glared at him. "Don't even expect me to go there." He said. Taehyung pouted and sat down. He crossed his arms over his chest, making Hoseok groan slightly. "Can you stop being a brat?"

Taehyung kept silent. The silence last for another few seconds before Hoseok groaned again. "Alright, we will go! When is it?"

Taehyung's sad face turned into the happiest grin Seokjin had ever seen. The way Taehyung's mood changed from sadness to happiness very quick made Seokjin wonder what the hell was going on with him.

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