8. 🐳

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"You've been really quiet tonight. Don't you have a tongue?"

Namjoon looked at Seokjin who was staring right into his eyes.

He had this habit of getting lost into his thoughts no matter the situation and place he was in.

No one should blame him. He's been through so much already and the today's incident had made him think about everything again. And adjusting to his new glasses has been quite difficult because they were new and Namjoon wasn't used to new things so much.

"I apologize, it was not my intention to ignore you. What was the question again?"

"I didn't ask any questions."

"Oh, alright." As he said, Namjoon looked back into his chemistry work book and continued finishing one of the preparation tests teacher gave him.

Seokjin would look at Namjoon here and there, not missing the way his eyes sparkled and lips turned into a small, happy smile and there was something about him that made Seokjin feel some kind of way.

"How come you are so calm and innocent about everything happening around you?" Seokjin suddenly asked.

Namjoon did hear his question but kept looking at his work book and writing down. He needed just a few seconds more to finish the current example before answering him. He sighed.

"Because I'm not you."

Seokjin raised his eyebrow.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Um," Namjoon began, now staring up at the ceiling as he thought of his answer. "I guess being rich and popular is a huge role in our school. And life I suppose. Had someone ever made you feel unworthy?"

Seokjin was silent. Namjoon stared at him in hope to hear his answer but Seokjin flipped the notebook page and started writing. Not wanting to push anything, Namjoon went back to his work.

He hadn't seen the whole villa but the living room they were in was very, very big. Almost Namjoon's whole house could fit in. But there was something different about Seokjin's place. When Namjoon comes home, he feels immediately calm and safe. There is this beautiful harmony of love and happiness, no matter the circumstances they lived in, that made Namjoon feel grateful for everything his mother had ever done for him.

But when he walks inside Seokjin's place, he doesn't feel anything similar. Each wall emitting cold and dark energy, making him feel slight chills up his spine. Even though the whole room was covered in lights and colors, he felt as if a massive black cloud was hovering over them.

Namjoon didn't feel any signs of a family.

He didn't feel any signs of love.

He was sure he couldn't live at such a place.

"Well, I guess money can give you something. I'm well aware Jisoo was with me because of it. Now I'm planning to get her back with the same weapon."

"But will that make you happy?"

"Why does it matter? It will. Of course it will."

"You will force your heart by using it's energy on people who don't deserve it. Then, when the right person walks into your life, it will be empty."

Namjoon flinched a little when Seokjin grabbed a paper into a fist and tore it from the notebook. He curled it into a ball and threw it in a nearby trash bin before beginning the new page.

"What do you even know about love?"

"Nothing, honestly. But just like that paper, you are wasting your time going your own way instead of using the example I gave you. Doing so, you will keep tearing your notebook over and over untill there is nothing left. But unlike a notebook, you can't buy a new heart."

Namjoon spoke softly while staring at nowhere in particular. Seokjin couldn't take his eyes off of him. Yes, there definitely was something different about this dude that made Seokjin's blood boil inside his body.

"Do you even know what it feels like loving someone and being heart broken?"


"What? You don't have feelings or what?"

Namjoon was now embarrassed. Maybe speaking about all of this was not such a good idea. What will Seokjin think of him now? But there is nothing to be ashamed of, right?

"I've never...," Namjoon said, his voice becoming a whisper. "I've never been in a relationship."

He expected some kind of a chaotic reaction from Seokjin, a laugh, a gasp or something like that. But Seokjin was silent. He looked as if he was deep into his thoughts with eyebrows furrowing into a tight frown. Namjoon sighed. He looked over at the watch and saw it was almost nine. His eyes widened a little because he didn't even feel the time passing by. It was as if he came five minutes ago.

"I should be going now. Thank you for the tea." Namjoon said and smiled widely at him.

Damn. Seokjin's heart decided to do some kind of thing inside his chest when he saw the pair of dimples showing by the corners of Namjoon's lips. Getting himself together, Seokjin stood up along with Namjoon and started walking him to the door.

Their walk was silent. Even when Namjoon was putting on his shoes and walking outside the house, Seokjin was silent. But what Namjoon didn't expect was for Seokjin to walk him to the gate.

"I need to lock it. Don't think i want to walk you to the gate or something."

"S-Sorry." Namjoon stuttered. Seokjin was taller than him, making the tip of his hair reach Seokjin's chin.

"Whatever, dude, just don't act like I'm your boyfriend or something."

"N-No!" Namjoon was, again, embarrassed. He blushed a slight pink and was about to start walking but his shoe suddenly slipped and he fell right into Seokjin's arms, making the other groan loudly and instinctively wrap his arms around his back.

Now what? Namjoon was hyperventilating. He almost let out a whimper from how scared he was. He messed up. He slipped and fell onto Seokjin and now he will yell at him and call him names and won't be his tutor anymore. Soon, he was pushed away rather harshly. Seokjin attempted to clean his t-shirt and glared at him.

"What the fuck? Watch your steps! What if someone saw us? Dude, just, fuck! Good bye!"

Namjoon watched Seokjin rushing inside his house and slamming the door shut. After hearing the locking sound, Namjoon slowly made his way home.

"I guess I keep messing up.."


𝑨𝑹𝑪𝑨𝑫𝑬 / 𝑵𝒂𝒎𝒋𝒊𝒏 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now