29. 🐳

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"S-Seokjin! I-I can't!"

Namjoon's squeaks and giggles were emitting from their shared room. Seokjin was currently sitting on top of Namjoon and tickling him all over, too stunned by a pair of his beautiful dimples.

He couldn't believe how handsome he was. Back then, he didn't even notice the older, he didn't even look at him and he regretted it, missing his beautiful face for all those years.

Seokjin had previously gave him a nice massage, since his muscles are very stiff due to high fever he had. But Namjoon kept wiggling and trying to tickle him. Too bad Seokjin was not ticklish. Instead, he flipped them over and he was now on top of him.

Namjoon helplessly tried to escape but Seokjin was heavier than him so it was pointless. Seokjin stopped, letting him calm down since he got very red in face from all the laugher escaping his mouth.


"You are beautiful."

Namjoon looked at him, his heart beating loudly against his chest. "I-I'm not."

Seokjin lowered himself down and placed a soft kiss onto his right cheek. "Yes, you are." He placed another kiss on his other cheek, making Namjoon giggle from underneath him. He kept kissing his face all over before he attached his lips to his neck, unconsciously nibbling onto the skin with his lips.

Namjoon mewled and tilted his neck to him for better accces, Seokjin taking lead over the whole situation as he kept nibbling onto the sensitive spot, his tongue licking the red spots.

"S-Seokjin." Namjoon breathed out, his small hands gripping onto his broad shoulders. Small bulge was forming inside his shorts and Seokjin could feel it. He smirked and pulled away to look at him. Lust was evident into his eyes meanwhile Namjoon's cheeks were flushed pink and he stared at him lazily while panting softly.

The fact that Seokjin had never blamed him or found him weird no matter what he did or said in front of him was unbelievable. He seemed to accept him for who he was and not make him feel bad about it.

Namjoon's didn't know how he felt anymore. All this time he was scared to admit to himself his real feelings but there was no turning back anymore.

Namjoon was so in love with Seokjin. It wasn't because Seokjin was handsome or anything like that. Not even because he was rich. But it was because he was the only one who made him feel loved and actually worth of someone's presence. Namjoon felt happy and wanted into his arms. The way his body would melt every time Seokjin would kiss him.

For someone like Namjoon, who never experienced anything relationship related, even two months was enough to fall for the other so much.

That was what made him first fall in love with him. He accepted him at a time in his life when everyone shamed him, talked bad about him and disliked him.

"What are you thinking about, Joon?"

"N-Nothing... It's just.. I..." Namjoon looked away, too shy to even look at the gorgeous male on top of him.

"You know you can tell me anything."

What could possibly go wrong? Seokjin kissed him, cuddled with him, had a small not so holy session with him and he was his boyfriend so why wouldn't he tell him? It's not like he would hate him or anything.

"I-I didn't know I would fall for you so much. J-Just watching you makes me happy, Seokjin. And the way you are treating both me and my mom, like we are two most important people in your life. I might be poor.. And I might be weird... But my feelings are completely normal. Please don't hate me-"

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