36. 🐳

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"Good morning, beautiful. How did you sleep?"

Was a message Namjoon would get every morning for the following week. Seokjin had taught him how to use his new phone and ever since, they would spend time texting when they were not physically together.

Last time he saw Seokjin was actually on the day he bought him a phone, five days ago to be exact, because Seokjin was away for three days and Namjoon needed as much time as he could get to do perfectly the final exam so he could maybe have a chance to enter a free scholarship.

Seokjin drove him home the same night and went to apologize to Jeongguk who, on Namjoon's surprise, accepted his apology and plus apologized for kicking him in the face.

Namjoon couldn't be more happy. He loved both and he wouldn't stand them being in bad relations.

But something was off. Five hours passed and there was no sign of Seokjin at all. He tried calling him once but he never answered the call. He assumed he was caught up into work so he didn't want to bug him.

Speaking of Jeongguk, Namjoon was on his way to his studio and carrying a small box of homemade cookies he made this morning for him. His mother had her friend over for a coffee so he grabbed the opportunity to go out.

It was when he saw Taehyung walking into his direction, dressed in all pink with black sun glasses on and a black purse hanging from his elbow. He saw Namjoon and smiled. He took off his glasses and stopped walking.

Namjoon smiled back.

"Namjoon? It's nice to see you. What have you been up to?"

"Nothing much, just was about to visit hyung and give him these cookies." Namjoon said and raised the box. "How about you?"

"I was visiting my grandma that lives just around the corner. Is it Jeongguk?" He asked.

Namjoon nodded. Taehyung smirked.

"In that case, I'm going with you."

"Really?" Namjoon asked.

Taehyung nodded. Namjoon didn't have anything against it so they made their way together down the street. Jeongguk's studio was just at the end of the street so they didn't walk more than ten seconds.

"Are you telling me it's actually here? I could have come here any time." Taehyung said, sounding a bit disappointed.

Namjoon chuckled and opened the door without knocking. Jeongguk was sitting into his spinning chair and writing something down on a paper. He turned around and smiled widely when he saw Namjoon at the door but his smile fell as soon as he saw Taehyung beside him.

"Hello, hyung. I have something for you. Mind if we come in?" Namjoon asked.

Jeongguk sighed and closed his notebook. "Why is he here?"

"That's very impolite, coming from a handsome man like you." Taehyung said and shamelessly walked inside the studio. He walked around, staring around at the walls that had all sorts of graffiti on them.

Namjoon walked inside too and closed the door behind him. He placed the box onto Jeongguk's desk and clapped his hands happily. "I've made them this morning. I hope you will love them."

Jeongguk chuckled and undid the ribbon before opening the box and gasping loudly. "Oh my god, these smell delicious." He moaned out after a sweet scent of vanilla hit his nose. He frowned, giving Namjoon a questionable look and Namjoon shrugged.

"My mom helped me with the recipe but I did all the physical job." He said.

"Mind if I take a look at some of your songs?" Taehyung suddey asked. Jeongguk stared at him for a few seconds, wondering whether he should let him or not. He wasn't used to showing anyone his songs.

"Whenever I listen to a song, I pay attention to the lyrics. If they don't touch my soul, nothing else can and I'm sure your songs are among the most amazing ones."

"Is it because you are head over heels in love with me or?" Jeongguk asked, smirking.

Taehyung was about to say something but he closed his mouth. Namjoon could notice his cheeks going a deeper color than the natural and he fought back his chuckle. He knew how much he liked his hyung.

"Can't you at least say thank you? Maybe it is, maybe not. I just wanna see it. Or what, are you afraid they suck?" Taehyung asked back, his whole look changing and now he was the one smirking back.

"Do whatever you want."

Taehyung smiled happily and grabbed his notebook. He went to sit on a nearby, small l-shaped sofa, completely ignoring the two as he started reading one by one.

"How's mom doing by the way?" Jeongguk asked.

"Mom is doing good now, she hadn't mentioned anything about having pain or anything like that." Namjoon said.

"And Seokjin?"

Namjoon was surprised that he even asked about him. It never happened before, unless if he had something bad to say about him.

"I don't know, he hadn't been answering my texts for a few hours." Namjoon said.

"Do you have any melodies for these songs? I love this one that is called Euphoria... And Magic shop." Taehyung asked.

Jeongguk searched through a file onto his lap top. He leaned back against the chair and looked at him over his shoulder. "I have the Magic Shop one. Why? Think you can sing?"

"Mind if you check it out yourself?" Taehyung asked.

Namjoon's phone vibrated. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and excused himself as he walked out of the studio. He could see that Taehyung had stood up from his seat and sat on the chair beside Jeongguk so he didn't want to interrupt their little moment.

He unlocked his phone and stared at the message. He couldn't tear his eyes off the screen. His heart beat was increasing abnormally and he felt his vision getting blury.

Tears fell onto the phone screen and onto his hand, his breaths coming out into short puffs. He felt like something heavy was onto his chest.

He couldn't seem to breathe.

"Namjoon, I know this is sudden but I just wanted to tell you that we should break up. All of this was a stupid mistake, we had fun, kissed, fucked and all, but these days out of Seoul were enough for me to realize what I actually wanted. And what I want is not you. I'm sorry. Goodbye.


What the fuck did I just do
My heart is literally beating like crazy

𝑨𝑹𝑪𝑨𝑫𝑬 / 𝑵𝒂𝒎𝒋𝒊𝒏 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now