17. 🐳

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Two weeks have passed in a blink of an eye. Namjoon's knee healed, except the wound that needed more time to heal completely. But Namjoon didn't complain. At least he had an amazing boss who understood the situation he was in and people who made him feel less lonely.

He could freely walk without help now but he was still careful. He couldn't afford another injury when he had to attend classes and job.

To his surprise, Seokjin visited him every single day. But it was normal since he was his tutor and Seokjin's grades were the most important thing then because the school year was about to end soon.

Today he decided to show up at school one day earlier. It was a Monday morning and with a soft his on his sleeping mom's cheek, Namjoon slowly made his way to the metro station. He was five minutes early so he could get there just on time.

The weather was so hot. Namjoon wasn't such a fan of summer because he would sweat like monkey and he despised it. But on the other side, he could go out without freezing. But he had to dress something thick in the morning since mornings were cold.

Today he decided to wear a cute pink sweater Seokjin bought for him with pink sweatpants. He loved pink. Everyone used to pick up on him whenever he wore something pink, telling him he was a faggot although Namjoon didn't know what the word meant. Probably something related to pink color, he thought.

Trust me, he is so innocent and pure for this world.

He didn't have time to comb his hair because he was too busy wrapping up his wound so his hair was a bit messy and curly. Walking down the street with curly hair almost covering his eyes and sweater paws by the end of his hands made him look adorable. >w<

When he showed up past the school gate, everyone stared at him. He lowered his head and walked inside the school, ignoring their whispers and laughs. His eyes helplessly searched for Seokjin but there were no signs of him.

He came across a small cabinet and he noticed that the door was opened a little. Being a curious little bean he walked to the door and opened it more, his eyes going wide when he saw Seokjin standing against the wall with Jisoo in front of him.

He was about to walk inside because he got scared, thinking that Seokjin was in trouble but then Seokjin smiled at her and placed a hand on her shoulder. Jisoo smiled back and shook her head before placing her hand on his.

Namjoon watched in horror as they whispered something to each other and he felt a wave of sadness wash over him. What could he possibly be doing with Jisoo? Did they...

But suddenly, Seokjin's eyes locked with Namjoon's and they widened a little. He pushed Jisoo away and smiled at Namjoon. "Namjoon? What are you doing here?"

Namjoon panicked. He felt his heartbeat into his throat. "I-I felt good enough to come back. W-What are you doing here?"

"Oh, nothing. We were just talking about something. Come on, we should be heading to our first class now." Seokjin spoke while walking into his direction. He wrapped his arm around Namjoon's shoulder and smiled at him before they started walking.

Namjoon turned his head around a little and saw Jisoo staring at them with a soft smile onto her face before it turned into a smirk. She waved at Namjoon and he quickly looked back in front of him.

"How is your leg doing?"


"Hm?" Seokjin lowered his head a bit and looked at him. Namjoon blushed, feeling vulnerable under his gaze and from how close his face was.

"I-It feels good. The wound is a bit stubborn but it will get better."

"Alright. I didn't expect you today, to be honest."

"I-I guess you didn't." Namjoon said. "Are you two together?"


Namjoon kept silent. He didn't want to push it anymore but he felt weird. His chest was tight and he needed to inhale more oxygen to breathe properly.

"JOON!" Taehyung's voice rang through the hall. He started running into his direction before he wrapped his arms around him. Namjoon didn't know how to react so he slowly wrapped his arms around him too. He saw Hoseok smiling widely as he approached them.

"T-Tae, I can't breathe." Namjoon mumbled against his shoulder. Taehyung pulled away and giggled, apologizing soon after for crushing him.
"I'm so happy to see you, Joonie. How have you been?"

"Good." Namjoon said. Hoseok tapped him on the shoulder and gave him a nod before looking at Seokjin.

"Someone must have took a great care of you, I suppose."

"Hoseok, shut the fuck up."

"Arent I right, Namjoon?"

Namjoon didn't know what to say. The scene from a few minutes ago kept showing over and over in front of his eyes.

"Is everything okay?" Taehyung asked. Namjoon nodded and smiled at him. "Yeah, everything is perfect." But no, it's wasn't. Namjoon was confused and hurt. He knew he wasn't supposed to catch feelings for him. He was angry at himself.

"How about we throw a small party tonight?" Taehyung asked.

"What party?"

"I suppose we can go and have dinner at Namjoon's job place. He will be there anyways."

"Sounds like a great idea to me. I will need a cold beer after our practice. The match is tomorrow, anyway."

"Hoseok, we really owe you. We had just enough time to prepare. I'm actually surprised your dad accepted your request to move the match two weeks in front." Seokjin said. "But yeah, I agree. I guess I won't drive tonight."

"That's it then. Let's go or else we will be late." Taehyung said.

"Like I care." Hoseok said.

"Well, it's easy when your own father is your principal. My father would kill me." Taehyung stated and took Namjoon's hand into his before dragging him away to the classroom.



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