26. 🐳

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"Okay, guys! The cafe will be closed till seven so we have three hours to take care of everything!" Rose yelled as she clapped her hands. "Taehyung, you will be in charge of the shelf and drinks. If we miss anything, write it down on paper. You two," she said while pointing at Hoseok and Seokjin, "will gather every single chair and table and carry it to the basement. We will be placing tall tables instead."

"W-What about me?" Namjoon asked, still a bit shy around her. She smiled widely and pinched his cheek. "You and I are will be in charge of giving out invitation cards at the beach! I can't let a sweet and tiny boy like you carry heavy stuff!"

And that's how those three hours passed. They made sure to do everything like she ordered. Namjoon and Rose were walking around the beach and spreading the news about the following party but not without Seokjin stealing a few glances at him. He felt really protective over him lately.

Once everything was set up, they opened the cafe and watched many people gathering inside and out. They spread like bees in such a short time.

Namjoon didn't like being crowded by so many unknown people so he felt uneasy. He was struggling to pass by in hope to find Seokjin somewhere. He frowned when he saw him standing at the counter, leaning onto his elbow as he spoke with the girl that was working there.

What was he doing with her over there? Seokjin said something and the girl started laughing even Namjoon could hear it. They looked like they had much fun. Namjoon swallowed. He didn't like the way they were so close to each other.

His breath hitched when the girl placed her hand on top of his. His eyes welled up with tears and he stormed out of the cafe, ignoring Taehyung's calls as he pushed the door open.

He started running down the beach, feeling the tears slowly slide down his cheeks. He was sad and hurt. Did Seokjin like her? Why would he do the things he did last night with him anyways? Why would he kiss him? Why would he date him at all?

Namjoon stopped running to catch his breath as he cried. Once he saw there was no cafe in sight, he got scared. He suddenly felt bad for running away. He didn't know the area. He gasped when he saw two males appearing in front of him, with a few bottles of what looked like beer into their hands.

"Oh, what could possibly a cute boy like you doing here alone? Are you by yourself?"

Namjoon wanted to turn around but the other grabbed his wrist.

"Now now, don't be impolite. How about we have some fun?"


Seokjin frowned and pulled his hand away immediately from hers. The girl who's name appeared to be Lisa pulled her hand to herself and her smile dropped. "W-What's wrong?"

"Why did you do that?"

"I-I thought... You... You don't like me?"

Seokjin was in utter shock. "What the hell are you talking about? Why would I like you? I have a boyfriend!" Seokjin yelled and let out a groan. He immediately looked around and spotted Taehyung walking into his direction with an angry expression.

"What did you do?"


"Namjoon just ran out of the cafe and I am a hundred percent sure he was crying! "

Seokjin felt his stomach drop. He was sure Namjoon had saw what she did. He ran his fingers through his hair and pushed Taehyung to the side then started walking through the crowd. Taehyung gave Lisa a stern look then followed Seokjin outside the Cafe.

"He got it all wrong. Oh my god, it really wasn't what it looked like." Seokjin told. His heart was beating loudly into his chest as he scanned the area, not seeing Namjoon anywhere in sight.

"I can see footsteps going there." Taehyung said and pointed on the right. Seokjin, not waiting even a second, started running in the pointed direction. Taehyung gasped and started running after him. Seokjin was so scared. It was almost eleven and Namjoon couldn't be by himself because he didn't know the place.

If something happens to him, he will blame himself for the rest of his life. He felt the anger building inside his body and everything became black when he saw his Namjoon, being pinned up against a nearby wooden cabin by two unfamiliar figures.

"Namjoon!" Taehyung yelled.

Seokjin reached the guy and wrapped his hand around his neck before pushing him down to the ground and getting on top of him. He started kicking him in his face with his fists, loud smacks being heard as he showed no mercy. The other guy dropped his bottle and started running away. Taehyung quickly hugged Namjoon and pulled him away from the two but Namjoon started screaming.

Seokjin, hearing his screams, stopped and panted as he stared at the guy, his face covered in blood from the beating.

"S-Seokjin! Please! You will kill him!"

Seokjin was about to hit him again but he stopped himself from it. He stood up and turned around, his vision becoming clear when he saw that Namjoon was well and healthy. The guy groaned out loud and propped himself up onto his elbows.

Seokjin walked up to Namjoon and embraced him into a tight hug.

"Are you alright, Joonie? Did he do anything he shouldn't have done?"

Namjoon shook his head against his chest and Seokjin let out a sigh of relief. "Please promise me you will never run away like this again. Talk to me instead. Nothing happened between us. I told her I have you. I would never leave you. Not now that I'm finally happy."

Namjoon nodded slowly and Seokjin pulled up his chin. He kissed him softly then hugged him again. Taehyung watched in shock since no one actually knew the two were really together.

"I'm so sorry, Namjoon. Let's go back. The party will be over soon anyways."

"Am I missing something here?" Taehyung asked.

"Shut up." Seokjin said.

They completely ignored the guy as they made their way back. Taehyung scratched the back of his head and followed behind, trying to understand what he had just witnessed.

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