5. 🐳

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"Mom, why didn't you wake me up?" Namjoon shouted as soon as he opened his eyes and saw 12pm showing onto his night table watch. Jumping up from his bed, Namjoon stumbled and took a pair of old jeans and put them on.
"Why didn't you wake me up? I was supposed to buy groceries and stuff-" Namjoon stopped speaking when he saw a way too familiar person with black curls smiling widely at him. "Jeonggukie?"

Namjoon's mother chuckled slightly. "Don't worry, sweetie. You deserved it. Jeongguk helped me out and went to the store. We've had quite a good talk with a cup of coffee actually." She went on.

Jeongguk opened his arms and Namjoon wasted no time jumping right into them. Wrapping his arms tightly around Jeongguk, Namjoon buried his face into the crook of his neck and squeaked in happiness. Jeongguk laughed and hugged him back.

"Hyung! I haven't seen you in a few days! Where were you?" Namjoon questioned.

"I'm sorry, Joonie. Had to visit my brother, he hasn't been feeling quite well lately so he is in hospital now."

"I hope he will be fine."

"He actually will. His blood tests were good, just lack of vitamins. But they still need to run a few tests."

Namjoon nodded. "I need to ask you for a favor."

"I know. I already brought the material we will need. Excuse me," Jeongguk spoke as he stared at Mrs. Kim. He stood up and put his arm around Namjoon's shoulders. "We have work to do."

Jeongguk was Namjoon's close neighbor and probably the only friend he had. Jeongguk never saw a freak in him but only a cute, dedicated and good person. Whenever Namjoon felt down or bored, he would go up to Jeongguk's house and throw a small rock at his window. The other would come out and talk with him for a while about everything.

Jeongguk was, you can call it, also overprotective when it came to Namjoon. There was once a situation in which Jeongguk came to Namjoon's school to face people who made fun of his clothes. Although Jeongguk was a few years older than him, the difference couldn't be spotted.

Namjoon didn't expect to see new wooden gate placed up against the fence. Jeongguk went and picked up the gate before placing it just in place. "Okay, now you hold this here tightly."

"Is there anything new in school?"

"I have a student."

Jeongguk stopped and looked at him with amused look onto his face. "Really? Who is it?"

Namjoon sighed. "Kim Seokjin."


"He asked me yesterday to be his tutor."

"Don't tell me you actually agreed."

"Hyung, he will pay me for it. You know I need every money I can gather."

"I understand but he is a total dickhead towards you." Jeongguk stated.

Namjoon knew that Jeongguk didn't like Seokjin because he was the one Jeongguk talked to at the school yard. But the idea of teaching him and earning even more money did sound like a good idea to Namjoon.

"One wrong move and I'll chop his balls off that body of his."

"Hyung!" Namjoon couldn't help but chuckle at his statement.

"Come on. Let's finish this so you can go to work."


"Yoongi Hyung, can I ask you something?" Namjoon popped up from behind the counter. Yoongi gasped a little due to being surprised by his sudden appearance.

𝑨𝑹𝑪𝑨𝑫𝑬 / 𝑵𝒂𝒎𝒋𝒊𝒏 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now