22. 🐳

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"What?" Jeongguk whisper yelled, then choked onto the smoke he inhaled. He coughed a few times while trying to hit himself on his back. "He kissed you?"

"Yes!" Namjoon squealed with hands onto his burning red cheeks. Seokjin dropped him off soon after the kiss and Namjoon couldn't wait to see his hyung. He needed someone to vent on. "Hyung, it was my first kiss!"

"All of my efforts to snap you out of it now go to waste. Now you will definitely fall in love with him." Jeongguk said.

It was all new for Namjoon. Two months ago, they started off the wrong way, with Seokjin being cold and irritated towards him to him asking him to be his boyfriend and buying clothes for him then coming to his place every night then taking him out-Namjoon needed to calm down.

He didn't know whether he should be happy or confused or both but he wanted to die.

"How did he do it?"

"H-Hyung I don't know! He asked me about the prom night and suddenly, he was too close! What do I do now? H-He asked me to go with him at the prom night."

"Really? You will go, right?"

"I don't know.." Namjoon pouted. "You know I don't handle people good."

"Joon, trust me, high school prom night happens once in a lifetime. Go and have fun for yourself. Just make sure he takes good care of you or else," Jeongguk stopped and fake sliced his own throat with his hand. Namjoon giggled, "You are so protective over me, Jeonggukie."

"How can I not be protective? You are way too precious."

"Hyung, my friend asked me about you." Namjoon remembered to say. His mind had been floaded with Seokjin whole the time he almost forgot.

Jeongguk raised his eyebrow while taking a sip onto his beer can. "Which friend?"

"Taehyung, the one with black, curly hair that was sitting with Seokjin when you came to the restaurant." Namjoon explained. Jeongguk looked like he was thinking for a few moments untill he let out a small 'oh'.


Namjoon frowned. "That's all you have to say?"

"Well, what am I supposed to say?"

"I think he has a crush on you. He said his brother works at your company as a photographer."

"What's his surname again?"

"Kim. Kim Taehyung."

Jeongguk's eyes slightly widened. "Kim Taeyong's brother? Who would have thought... We went to the same class back in high school." he said. Namjoon smiled. "Now that I think about it, they do look alike. But don't even try to pair me up with him."

"Hyung! He really likes you!"

"You should go to sleep, Namjoon. It's late. Get some rest." Jeongguk said and stood up. Namjoon pouted and said his goodbye as he watched Jeongguk leave inside his house.


"Mum, you can't be doing this!" Namjoon whined in frustration, watching his mother who was kneeling down and digging the hole in their yard for the new set of tulips.

"Namjoon, I keep telling you. I've never felt so good like I feel today. My spine doesn't hurt. Please let me have at least a little fun to myself while I can." She said.

Namjoon was indeed happy to see her being able to walk on their own and do the thing she loved the most, since she worked at a flower shop for twenty years untill she became ill.

𝑨𝑹𝑪𝑨𝑫𝑬 / 𝑵𝒂𝒎𝒋𝒊𝒏 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now