𝓝𝓮𝔀 𝓫𝓮𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰 ~ 𝓯𝓲𝓷𝓪𝓵 𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻

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Namjoon was sitting on the bench, staring at his mother's freshly buried grave. He wasn't crying. He was just sitting there and thinking about life and how lifeless he was at this point.

People had already left so he was the only one there, not minding the rain pouring all over him. He didn't seem to move any time soon. He felt like sitting there for a whole day.

All he ever wanted was for his mother to fight off her cancer and be there for him through his whole life. He wanted to have her around to acknowledge each one of his ups and downs. He wanted to have her push him through every hard obstacle and tell him every day how proud she was of him.

But God seemed to have other plans for him.

Now that she was gone, Namjoon was lost. He didn't know what to do. He didn't know how to possibly start living at this point. He lived with her whole his life and now what? How was he supposed to continue living on his own?

Seokjin was also gone. The one he needed the most right now was gone. He couldn't hug him, he couldn't cry his eyes out in his arms, he couldn't tell how much he missed her.

Namjoon was angry. Once kind, innocent and happy boy had switched into a complete person. He was no longer happy. He no longer had his smile everyone knew. His face was pale and blank, without a single emotion going on. He was loosing it.

He was slowly loosing it, the ability to feel anything again.

Jeongguk stood behind him with an umbrella in his hand, hovering it on top of both himself and Namjoon. Namjoon didn't bother turning around. He just kept staring at his mother's picture. He didn't even realize how soaked he was.

"You are going to catch a cold if you keep sitting out on the rain." Jeongguk spoke.

"Does it even matter?" Namjoon asked after a couple of minutes. Jeongguk hummed. He then stood in front of him and looked down at him. Namjoon pulled his head up to make eye contact with him.

"Well, if you catch a cold, you won't be able to do the finals." Jeongguk said.

Namjoon sighed softly and looked back at the grave. Jeongguk was right. Finals will be held tomorrow, the ones determining whether he will be able to enter Art and Music college or not.

He completely forgot about it.

"Come on, Namjoon. We should go home. You've been sitting here for three fours. My parents want to talk to you anyway." Jeongguk said and offered his hand to Namjoon.

"Your parents? Why?"

He shrugged. "I don't know." But smiled a little soon after. "You will have to hear it out yourself."

They made they way out of the cemetery together, hand in hand. Rain was pouring incredibly fast, it completely flooding the streets. Namjoon loved rain. Ever since he was a child, when it would rain, he would go outside and play by himself in the open.

Jeongguk opened the car door for him and he got inside. They rather drove in silence, Namjoon not saying a thing. Jeongguk was worried. Mrs. Kim's death came out of nowhere and it was pretty much shocking for everyone.

He could see his baby changing in front of his eyes and he could do nothing about it.

Mr. and Mrs. Jeon were waiting in the living room, at the table. Five plates were placed on it along with all sorts of food. Mrs. Jeon chuckled and got up. She walked over to Namjoon and placed a kiss onto his cheek.

"I'm so sorry for your loss, honey. In our religion, we make lunch for those who have passed away. We wanted to do this for you. Now, go and change into something dry and come join us." She said.

"But why are there five plates?" Namjoon asked.

"It's because I'm here." A voice came out from the hall.

Namjoon turned around and saw a boy two his age, with a cute ponytail and a bunny like smile onto his face, resembling his older brother. Namjoon's eyes widened. His lips parted and he was about to say something but he could only feel tears welling up inside his eyes.

"Junghyun." Namjoon whispered.

The boy chuckled and embraced him into a tight hug. Namjoon hugged him back gladly. He never expected to see him here. Last time he checked, the boy was in hospital due to being ill, his immunity disorder the main reason.

"I've heard what happened and I wanted to come here and be by your side as much as I can."

"Thank you so much."

"Nah, it's nothing. Let's go change. Mom has been talking about this meeting the whole morning so I'm curious to find out why."

Mrs. Jeon got everything ready in the meantime. She placed the freshly baked chicken on the table and baked potatoes. Mr. Jeon helped her out with cutting it and Jeongguk was there to get the drinks out of the fridge.

Namjoon and Junghyun came back in no time and now that everyone was sat at the table, Mrs. Jeon cleared her throat and placed her hand onto Namjoon's. Namjoon looked at her. She gave him a warm smile and nodded at him.

"Technically, you are way too young to just continue living on your own."

Namjoon nodded.

"There is no possible way that you could work and attend college and live on your own, with minimal payment."

Namjoon nodded again. He looked at Jeongguk who's eyes were fixated on her and he had what looked like a spark into his eyes. Junghyun was also staring at her, and occasionally stealing a few glances at his dad who was smiling in content while chewing onto his food.

"Since your mom is no longer here and since your father had left so many years ago, my husband and I decided that we would love you to become a part of our family." She said.

Jeongguk dropped his fork that fell onto his plate and made a loud noise.

"Yes!" Jeongguk yelled out.

"Yes, I agree too. I would love to have another brother and I couldn't be more happy to have Namjoon!" Junghyun yelled too.

"W-What are you talking about?" Namjoon asked. "A-Another brother? How is that even possible?"

Mrs. Jeon took her purse and pulled out a pile of paper. He placed them in front of him, Namjoon immediately bursting into a sob as soon as he read what it said.

"Your sign is all that we need."

He buried his face into his hands as he cried, Mrs. Jeon standing up to hug him. They all looked at each other and also stood up, embracing Namjoon into a group hug.

Namjoon was.... Namjoon was happy. He was sad but he was also happy. He couldn't express how thankful he was to them. He couldn't believe someone would do this for him. But he couldn't be more happy to know them and have them by his side.

"A-Are you sure?"

"Absolutely. Once you sign these papers, you will legally become a member of Jeon family. Are you ready for a new life, Namjoon?"

"I-I am."



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