16. 🐳

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You should have saw the happiness on Mr. Kim's face when Seokjin gave her a box of food and washing supplies. Lots of packs of caramel cappuccino too. Namjoon, not believing his eyes and his act of kindness, wanted to give him money for everything but Seokjin didn't want to even look at him.

He watched silently while they talked, Seokjin cracking up a few obviously lame jokes which Namjoon's mom found funny and laughed along.

It was the first time he actually saw him smile. That beautiful smile of his that made small wrinkles by his eyes making his heart flutter. And his laugh was... Namjoon liked everything about him.

He was afraid that Jeongguk might be right. He indeed was falling for him and that was such a stupid idea. But Namjoon couldn't help it. He knew it was all just an act on Seokjin's side but no one ever did the things he did.

As crazy as it sounded, Namjoon felt safe by his side. Yeah, safe... He loved the feeling.

"Earth to Namjoon."

Seokjin waved his hand in front of his face. Namjoon blinked and blushed for spacing out again.

"I-I'm sorry. What did you say?"

"I finished them." Seokjin said and offered him the paper. Since he wasn't able to bend his leg too much he was lying onto his bed and Seokjin was sitting beside him. Namjoon checked out the answers, surprised by how each of them was correct.

"They are all good. You managed to get all of it in such a short time. I'm proud of you." Namjoon said.

Seokjin was playing with his fingers and looking like wanted to ask him something but nothing came out. He looked nervous. He had that serious look onto his face every time he wasn't in the mood and he wondered if he did something wrong.

"Who's the guy you've been with before I arrived?"

Namjoon stared at him, confused. Seokjin avoided his stare and watched at the old carpet.


"Jeonggukie?" Seokjin cringed.

"He is my best friend. I've known him ever since I was little. He is the most amazing person you can ever meet."

"Well, he sure doesn't like me."

"Because you used to make fun of me too." Namjoon felt bad for saying it but it was true. That's why Jeongguk went to their school in the first place.

"It's in the past." Seokjin mumbled.

"Why are you asking?"

"No reason."

Seokjin still avoided to look at him but he kept playing with his fingers. Namjoon pulled himself up to sit so now he was in the same level with him. He needed to use the bathroom. His bladder was threatening to explode from how much water he drank that day.

But, being as clumsy as ever, Namjoon's healthy leg spasmed and he gasped, falling back onto his back but not before accidentally grabbing Seokjin's elbow and pulling him on top of himself.


Namjoon opened his eyes and saw Seokjin's face close to his own and he gasped. Seokjin's eyes were wider than ever and he was just about to move away when the door opened, revealing Namjoon's mom standing at the door while holding a plate of freshly baked cookies.

She covered her mouth with her hand at the scene.

Seokjin snapped up and stood up then bowed at her.

"I'm so sorry! It's not what it looks like! I wasn't trying to do anything it was just an accident, ma'm! I have no bad intentions with your son!"

She chuckled, then started laughing softly while still covering her mouth.

"You two are so cute. You sure would make a beautiful couple." She said.

Seokjin and Namjoon looked at each other then away in a second. He knew his mother thought the best of him but he didn't think like that. He wasn't for him. He wasn't even near Seokjin's standards.

"Okay, I won't make this more awkward. I brought there cookies for you. It's not much but they are lovely."

"Thank you. It really is a lot if they are made with love." Seokjin said and took the plate from her hands.

"But just a small advice, protection is important." And with that, she left and closed the door behind her. Namjoon gulped slightly because she did make the situation more awkward. But luckily, Seokjin didn't push it. He moaned loudly out of satisfaction when he took a bite of brown cookie.

"These are so tasty! How is this even possible?" He asked.

Namjoon smiled. His mother was the best cook. She could make anything she saw. They didn't have much but she always made sure to make something out of nothing and Namjoon was so happy to live with her. He loved her more than anything.

And he was also happy to hear Seokjin talk good about her. It seemed like he took quite a liking to her.

"I know, you still haven't tried all of her food."

"I would love to."

Now that he thought about it, Seokjin never spoke about his own mother. It didn't look like he was very fond of her, unlike Namjoon.

"Does your mom ever cook for you?"

Seokjin finished the first cookie and took another. He shook his head.

"No, we always eat fast food."

"That's awful. Nothing can replace home made food. Especially home made noodles with soy and beef sauce."

"Your mum makes it for you?"

Namjoon nodded.

"That's so cool. I would love that."

"Jinnie, you can always come and eat here. If you want to, of course." Namjoon said and looked away. He was scared to stare at him any longer. He didn't know how long he was going to fall for. He was too gorgeous and handsome. Curse him but he couldn't control it.

Feelings he felt for the first time. They can't be ignored. Not in his case.

"I would be more than glad to, Joon."


Uwu I'm so soft lately for this book idk what's going on with me

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