30. 🐳

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"Welcome to the Min's. What would you love to order today?" Namjoon asked politely and bowed at their customers. The old couple looked at each other and smiled, cooing at how adorable he was.

Today was the tough day. They got back yesterday from their trip and truth be told, Namjoon didn't feel quite well. He was still very sore from sex even though he took warm bath last night, like he was told to by Seokjin.

It did hurt to walk fast and his job offered nothing other than constantly moving around, especially today when the restaurant was crowded.

Yoongi could notice the strangeness in his behavior so he asked him about it but Namjoon refused to tell him. It wasn't kind of a conversation you would have with your boss.

He wrote down their orders and walked back to the counter to start preparing their oreo frappes. It was the most disgusting thing Namjoon had ever tried but other people loved it. Yoongi sure made a lot of money from it.

He couldn't stop thinking about that night. He never expected to have Seokjin's naked and sweaty body on top of his own and actually having his first kiss and sex with him but there he was, blushing like mad as he put the oreo dust inside two big glasses.

He couldn't concentrate on anything else rather than Seokjin. He never thought he would find someone who would love him for who he was. Let alone Kim Seokjin. Who would have thought that the most popular and rich student would fall for him?

But Namjoon didn't know how precious he was. He couldn't bring himself to believe in it. It was still unreal. And to spend a few days on the beach with him and his friends- Namjoon was very happy. He couldn't wish for more.

Although, he was worried about his mother. Jeongguk told him what happened that day when they were outside and he couldn't help but spend the whole night beside her just to make sure nothing would happen to her. He didn't know what he would do without her and even though she claimed she felt way better, he couldn't calm down.

The door bell rang, indicating that someone had walked inside and no words could describe the way Namjoon's face turned into the happiest smile ever when he saw Seokjin walking in. He was wearing a white shirt with black dots onto it and black, tight pants. His hair looked a bit messy but what had caught his and everyone's attention was a big flower bouquet into his hands.

He walked up to the counter and smiled at him. Namjoon smiled back, his eyes trailing from flowers to his face then back at flowers. They were so pretty. Ten red roses, all wrapped up into a tiny, white lace that was secured with red ribbon. Namjoon didn't know what to do or how to react.

"I was passing by this flower shop and decided to get you this. They kind of remind me of you." Seokjin said and looked at them. He offered the bouquet to him, Namjoon shyly wrapping his tiny hand around it.

"T-Thank you. You didn't have to. Why are you here?"

Seokjin placed his hands into his pockets. He tilted his head to the side and smiled at him.

"I'm here because I'm taking you to the mall. Prom night outfits, remember?"

Namjoon blinked. He was thinking about Seokjin so much that he forgot all about their plans for tonight. He shook his head to himself and chuckled. He turned around and grabbed a nearby vase that was empty and filled if with water before placing the bouquet inside of it.

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