13. 🐳

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"First fifteen students I read out are in team A, the others are in team B. I'll give you the ball so you can play football then I'll be leaving to have a smoke and coffee. I don't want any shit. Got it?" Mr. Bang, their physical education teacher yelled out after blowing into a red whistle that was hanging around his neck.

Namjoon was standing in the middle of the field, too scared to make any moves because first, he never played football before and second, everyone was staring at him.

His anxiety was raising from all the eyes on him, his own helplessly searching for a couple of familiar males and he smiled as soon as he saw them. But he felt scared to approach so he just stood there, looking around the field.

"And the last for team A will be Jackson Wang. The others are in team B. Bye peeps." And with that, the teacher left inside the school, leaving them all alone.

Namjoon was hoping he would end up in Seokjin's team since both Hoseok and Taehyung were there. Feeling lost, he stood by the end as they all gathered.

"That's so sad, not being able to play with your boyfriend!" Jackson shouted, making almost everyone laugh.

"Shut the fuck up and play."

"Yeah yeah. Let's go!"

Suddenly, everyone started running at Namjoon's direction. Not knowing what to do, he started running away from them, almost whimpering out loud.

He watched as Jackson fought for the lead against Mark, both of them screaming of laughter at each other before Mark managed to snatch the ball from him and aimed at their half of the field.

"Ah, you are so stupid!" Hoseok laughed and ran after Mark, throwing himself in front of him and kicking the ball hard with his foot, Seokjin stopping the ball with his own.

Seokjin played with the ball, swinging it left and right, untill he swiftly ran past Namjoon and kicked, the ball flying at a fast pace before it flew into their goal.

"That was easy." Jackson laughed.

"Easy when you have all football players on your team. What do I have? Fairies with two left feet!" Mark yelled.

Namjoon gulped when Seokjin turned around and looked at him, panting slightly and wiping away his forehead. He felt the heat coming up his face when he pushed his t-shirt up as he wiped his face with it. Seokjin walked up to him and placed a hand onto his cheek.

"Don't get too worked up. It's just a simple game." He said and smiled at him.

Namjoon was now full on a blushing mode and he could do nothing but nod. Seokjin stared at him for a few more seconds before going back to his spot, leaving Namjoon standing there embarrassed with tons of thoughts running through his head.

"Hey love birds, you better play instead of eye fucking eachother over there!"

"Shut the fuck up." Seokjin glared at Jackson, resisting the urge to punch right there.

They've been into the game for more than half an hour already and Namjoon was more than happy not to have a ball thrown at him. Team A was leading, as expected, having three best players in whole school. Not like Namjoon stressed over it. He just wanted it to be done as quickly as possible.

𝑨𝑹𝑪𝑨𝑫𝑬 / 𝑵𝒂𝒎𝒋𝒊𝒏 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now