31. 🐳

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Note: picture you see above is how all of them look like at the prom night. It's way better to show a picture because these outfits... I can't find the words to explain how gorgeous they were.


"Ah, I'm so late!" Namjoon yelled as he paced around the room, making sure if he got everything. His mother was standing at the door with her hand over her mouth and Namjoon could see tears welling up into her eyes. He widened his eyes and quickly walked over to her.

"Mom, is everything alright?" He asked.

She nodded but still had her hand over her mouth. "You look so beautiful, sweetheart. When did you... When did you bleach your hair?" She questioned.

Namjoon scratched the back of his neck nervously. "Taehyung told me to... He took me to the hair dresser this morning. He literally forced me to."

"Oh, my baby boy had grown so much, look at you." She whispered, soon breaking into a crying fit and Namjoon panicked, quickly wrapping his arms around her. He fought back his tears so bad because he didn't like seeing her cry, even if it was because she was happy.

"Calm down, please. I don't want you to cry because of me."

"I'm just happy. Yesterday, I held you in my arms and now, look how much you've grown." Mrs. Kim said and pulled away. She cupped his cheeks and placed a kiss onto his nose. "I love you so much."

"Namjoon, it's almost eight, are you re-" Jeongguk stopped dead into his tracks and glared at him. Namjoon felt a wave of embarrassment wash over him because everyone was acting like was really that handsome. (He is.)

Jeongguk whistled and gave him a big, bunny smile. Namjoon looked down then looked up shyly at him as he pushed his glasses up his nose.

"I'll go change. I need to be there to protect you or else everyone will start attacking you." Jeongguk said. "But really, we are going to be late."

Namjoon gasped and looked around untill he spotted the watch on the pile of his clothes and tried putting it onto his wrist but he had trouble since he never wore any watch. Jeongguk chuckled and walked up to him, helping him tie the leather material around it. Namjoon said a small thank you and made sure to kiss his mother on the cheek before he walked out of the house with Jeongguk.

They got inside his car and Jeongguk hit the gas as soon as they did, not wanting him to be late for his first prom night. He felt so happy and proud of him, stealing a few glances while he was driving.

"Blonde suits you so well, Joon. You should definitely keep it."

"Really? I thought I was going to look funny."

"Funny? You look beautiful, Joon. I'm sure you will catch everyone's attention."

Namjoon was so nervous. He felt his palms sweating the more they were neat the school and his attempt to wipe them off his knees was pointless. He wondered what Seokjin would look like. Would Seokjin find him beautiful too? He wasn't used to wearing formal clothes due to not having money to buy any.

Jeongguk pulled up at the parking lot, whistling again when he saw a huge crowd in front of his school. Parents were scattered around the field and in front of the gate, snapping pictures of their children and their friends. Namjoon was even more nervous. No, he was scared now.

Especially when he saw Seokjin standing by the gate, with hands into his pockets and talking to a guy who was in a red jacket with his back turned to Namjoon.

"Let's go." Jeongguk smiled at him.

Namjoon nodded and fought to get a hold of a door handle. Jeongguk chuckled and got outside his car and walked to Namjoon's side. He opened the door for him and acted as a gentleman, offering him his hand. Namjoon chuckled too, feeling a bit less nervous and took his hand before getting outside the car.

Gasps. All they heard were gasps and then the whole crowd fell into a thick silence.


"Relax, everything is going to be alright." Jeongguk said.

He placed his hand onto his shoulder and they started walking, Namjoon's eyes locking with Seokjin's wide ones. He smiled nervously when he reached the male and the one with red jacket turned around, his face twisting up in utter shock and that's when Namjoon realized it was Hoseok.

Seokjin's lips parted when he took in his visuals. He never seemed to stop staring at him and Namjoon was full on a blushing mode. Jeongguk, who was on his side, looked around the school yard, his eyes locking with a certain male Namjoon had mentioned before.

"Namjoon?" Hoseok asked, soon breaking into a surprised laugh, taking a few steps back before he checked him out from head to toe. "Seokjin, dude, don't be mad but I think I have a new crush now."

Namjoon covered his face with his hands out of embarrassment. "S-Stop."

Seokjin did the unimaginable thing by removing hands from his face with his own, then placed his hand onto his cheek and leaned down untill his lips found their place on top of his. Namjoon didn't know how to react. This was the first time they actually kissed in public and having Jeongguk by his side didn't make the situation any better.

"You took my breath away." Seokjin whispered against his lips. Namjoon thought he wasn't able to blush more than he already was but Seokjin made him believe otherwise.

"Y-You look great." Namjoon said.

"Namjoon-ah!" A voice rang from the crowd. He turned around and saw Taehyung waving at him as he ran. "Look at you, bitch. I told you you would be the center of the whole prom night!" He exclaimed, excitement radiating through his voice. His attention then fell onto Jeongguk who stared at him without even blinking.

Taehyung was staring at him with a resting bitch face, both his hands into his pockets and he leaned onto one of his legs. Jeongguk frowned and looked away, getting his attention back on Namjoon.

"What happened to your hair?" Seokjin asked.

"I was gonna ask the same thing." Hoseok said.

"I happened." Taehyung said. "We were hanging out today and one brilliant idea came to my brain and I took him to my hairdresser. Best decision I could ever make."

"Should we go inside? They are preparing to take pictures of everyone. They could see that everyone was gathering in front of the school and a cameraman was waving his hand at them to come inside. Namjoon turned around to look at Jeongguk who was, once again, staring at Taehyung with a frown onto his face.


"Yes, sure. Go ahead. I will be heading to your home now. Promised i would play yamb with mom. Don't worry, have all the fun you can. If anything bad happens, just call me." Jeongguk said as he placed his hand onto his shoulder.

Namjoon nodded and Jeongguk walked away to his car. Taehyung let out a loud sigh. He placed his hand over his chest and he whined.

"That man is so handsome and sexy. Even his stare is so intimidating. I can't-" He said and shook his head before making his way to the school entrance.

Seokjin slipped his fingers in between Namjoon's and took his hand into his. "Shall we?"


"Let's go guys! I can't wait to get drunk and laid tonight!" Hoseok yelled, making everyone laugh around him.


I love you all so much, stay safe and healthy and thank you so much for supporting this book!!!!! Like hello you make me so happy!!!

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